~. My Best Friend is A Goat .~

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"Hello there ..." Gabe said, an evil look in his eye. 

Maddie rolled her eyes. "Maddie." 

I glared at Gabe. Sally started talking to cover up the attention. "We were just talking about the trip." 

Gabe's gaze moved to my mom. "The Trip? you were serious about that?"

My mom nodded. "I'll make you enough seven-layer dip for the whole weekend." 

Gabe softened a tad. "So this money for your trip... it comes out of your clothes budget, right?"

"Yes, honey." My mom replied.

"And you won't take my car anywhere but there and back." 

"We'll be very careful." 

Gabe scratched his double chin. "Maybe if you hurry with that seven-layer dip... and if the kid apologizes for not introducing me to Ms Maddie." 

Mhm. Maybe if Maddie shows you how to properly be in pain, and maybe if you sing soprano for a month. 

Sally gave me a look, warning me not to make him mad. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't introduce you to Maddie." I muttered. 

Gabe's eyes shined with triumph. He walked back to his game.

"Thank you, Percy." My mom said. "Once we get to Montauk, we'll talk more about.. whatever you've forgotten to tell me."  

She had anxiety in her eyes for split second, and the same fear that I'd seen in Grover during the bus ride-- as if my mom too felt an mysterious chill in the air. 

Then, her smile returned, I figured I had been mistaken. 

She ruffled my hair, gave Maddie a quick hug, then went to make Gabe's seven-layer dip. 


An hour later, we were ready to leave. 

Maddie had gotten permission from her parents, and hadn't needed to pack, since she still had her stuff from Yancy. 

Gabe had warned me not to get a scratch on his 78' Camaro, like  would be the one driving. That wouldn't matter to Gabe. 

Maddie climbed into the backseat of the car, and after another glare, I stepped in the car and shut the door. 


The little cabin was amazing, it was a little pastel box with faded curtains, the dunes surrounded it. 

Most of the time, the sea was too cold to swim in. Still, it was special to my mom because this was where my mom met my dad. 

When we got closer to Montauk, years of worry seemed to melt from her features. Her eyes turned the color of the sea, like mine. 

We got there at sunset, and did out usual cleaning routine. Maddie enjoyed it, and loved the blue candy and food that my mom had. 

{A/N I'm not gonna explain the reason for the blue foods. Because if your reading this you should already know why. (::) (::)(::)(::) Cookies For anyone?}


When I went to bed, I had a strange dream.

A white horse and a golden eagle were fighting. The eagle screeched, launching at the horse. 

A voice from the ground goaded them on, but I had to stop them. I ran at them as the eagle flew at the horse, talons outstretched. 

I woke up with a start. Maddie was sleeping on the couch, well, she wasn't sleeping anymore. 

Prophecy. {A PJO Fanfic.}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin