~. Percy Gets Fishy .~

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.~. Maddie's P.O.V .~.

When you think you day couldn't get any crazier. The world just makes your best friend blow up the toilets. 

You heard me right. 

I was flying around with Calix, and the toilets exploded, out washed none other than Clarisse and her friends. 

Calix and I flew down, landing neatly beside them. "How'd that happen?" I asked, gazing at the bathroom. 

Clarisse was soaked. Head to toe. She stood up, an elite I'm-going-to-kill-you scowl on her face. "It was the newbie, Percy Jackson." Clarisse snarled. 

I almost laughed. "Percy did this? How did he do this?" Calix was looking around, stopping to see as Percy and Annabeth walked out of the bathrooms. 

Percy was completely dry, Annabeth was soaked much like Clarisse. 

Speaking of, Clarisse looked at Percy, a murderous glare on her face. "Your dead, new boy. Your dead." 

Then, she and her friends walked off. 

I looked to Percy, a questioning look on my face. He noticed and shrugged. "The toilets exploded." Was his answer. 

Calix shook his head, while I hid my laughter. Though, I couldn't help but wonder who Percy's godly parent was. 


The next few days, Percy settled into a normal routine with Annabeth teaching him Ancient Greek. 

I would be in a few of those old lessons too, but I didn't catch on, like Percy {Kinda} did. It didn't make sense, though I suppose thats how it was for Percy to read regular books. 

Before long, Friday rolled up, meaning capture the flag. 

Chiron wouldn't let me play, because it was 'too rough' for mortals. He did however say, that I could fly around on Calix and watch from the sky. 

I wanted to play, but nooooooooooooooooooooooo. 'Mortals get hurt to easily.'  Blah, Blah, blah. I'm sick of it, but if I'm going to stay here, i'll get used to it eventually. 

 Calix snorted, drawing my attention back to the game below me. I leaned forward, straining to get a good look at what was happening. 

Percy seemed frozen, like he heard something. 

Me and Calix flew down just above the trees, I readied my bow. Chiron had let me have one of the bows from the Apollo cabin. 

The tip of my arrows are made of Celestial Bronze, harmless to me, but deadly to the campers, or any monsters that might decide to show up. 

"Cream the punk!" Clarisse's voice rang out. 

I looked back down. Clarisse and her gang were beelining for Percy, who was standing on the edge of the creek. 

Clarisse moved with her electric spear, Percy blocked, but he shield arm went numb as an affect from the spear. 

One of the guys slammed the butt of his sword into Percy's chest, and he fell backwards. 

They were laughing at Percy. 

Percy got up, and Clarisse knocked his sword out of his hands. They starting attacking Percy, and one of them drew blood. 

That was too far. 

I notched an arrow and sent it flying. It flew right in front of Clarisse's face, striking down in the stream. 

.~. Percy's P.O.V .~.

The bronze-tipped arrow flashed not an inch from Clarisse's face, and landed in the stream. 

Immediately, all gazes followed the arrow's path, to a golden-and-white pegasus with a very angry blonde on it. 

That gave me the time. 

I grabbed my sword and swing the flat of it into one guys' head. I slammed my shield into one's face, and used my sword to cut off their red plume. 

They backed up, Clarisse moved forward, she thrusted her spear forward, I caught the shaft with my sword and shield, and snapped it like a twig. 

She backed up, looking angrier that humanly possible. 

Though, I suppose she wasn't fully human. 

When I looked up, Luke was holding the red banner high. Our team exploded into cheers, Maddie whisked down on Calix, giving me a hug, then looking down at my arm. 

"Look at your arm." 

I looked down, the sword wound was healing, forming back together. Annabeth walked up, gazing at the scar. 

"I- I don't get it." I muttered, bewildered. 

Annabeth looked deep in thought. "Step out of the water, Percy." 

"But wh-?" 

Maddie gasped. "Percy. Just step out of the water." 

So, I did. I walked out, then leaned against a tree. When I left the stream, the adrenaline left, any energy I had drained out of me like a dam was just opened. 

"Oh Styx. I assumed it would be Zeus.. but .." Annabeth cursed. 

Before I could ask what she meant, the growl returned. 

Calix shrieked out a warning, and standing there, was a huge black dog with red eyes. The dog lept at me, claws slicing thorough my armor like it was paper.

I stumbled backwards, Maddie whipped around with lightning-fast reflexes, notching an arrow and letting it fly. 

Fly it did, it pierced the hound right in it's ribcage. 

Maddie dropped her bow, turning to me. "Percy your hurt!" 

"Percy, get in the stream." Annabeth ordered. 

"I'm ok." Was my response. 

Maddie growled, like actually growled.  She grabbed my arm, and tugged me into the water with her. 

Instantly, I felt much better, Maddie and the other campers gasped, but they weren't watching me, they were looking at something above me.  

I looked up, and there was a spinning three-tipped figure; a trident. 

The campers were staring at Maddie, then me, then back to Maddie like they couldn't decide who was more interesting. 

Then, the campers kneeled. Maddie's hand was still gripped on my arm. 

Calix trotted into the stream, nickering softly while looking at me. 

"Poseidon," said Chiron. "Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses.Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God."

Welcome back! I'm trying to update every day for ya'll! 

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