~. I Hate Field Trips .~

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~. Percy's P.O.V .~ 

I walked through the Metropolitan Museum of Art, my best friend, Madison, walking beside me. 

Her blond hair was wavy, not curly, and it bounced as she walked. 

She had been my best friend since I met her last year in 5th grade, I got expelled from that school, but, Maddie was there, and she refused to let me just be sent to another school with no friends, so she got herself expelled from the school, then managed to get sent here with me. 

Believe me, she surprised me when I saw her in my first class here at Yancy Academy. Maddie had a mischievous twinkle in her bright green eyes, and a smirk on her face when she noticed my shocked expression. 

She still won't tell me how she got herself expelled. 

Mr. Brunner talking caught my attention. He was my favorite teacher, letting us play games in class, don't get me started on his Roman Armour collection. 

Mr. Brunner pointed to a statue of a rearing pegasus, talking about how in Greek Mythology two sons, Pegasus and Crysoar, were born. 

It was actually pretty interesting, and my other friend, Grover, was nodding along with Mr. Brunner, his red afro bouncing around. Maddie was looking at the statue wistfully. 

She mentioned before that she had always wanted a horse, but her parents couldn't afford it, and any chance she had of getting one flew out of the window when she got herself expelled for me. 

I tried not to think about that, instead telling the kids that were talking to shut up. Honestly, they just had to talk NOW? 

Mrs. Dodds gave me a glare from the other side of the room. 

That teacher looked like she was a million years old. WELL, not really, more like 50, and seemed mean enough to give you a F on an assignment because you looked at her wrong. 

Maddie constantly griped about Mrs. Dodds' black leather jacket. Yup, that's Maddie for ya. 

Maddie also had her own problems here, this redhead girl, Nancy Bobofit, seemed to take an instant disliking to her. 

Repeatedly, Nancy would taunt her, make fun of her, and publicly embarrass Maddie in front of everyone. 

I have no idea how Maddie kept her calm; Every. Single. Time. 

Speaking of the blonde, she grabbed my arm and dragged me outside to the front steps of the museum where the other kids were eating their lunches. 

When we got outside, the sky looked like a huge storm was brewing, kind of like the pictures I saw from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. 

Maddie huffed. "Am I the only person noticing the sky?" 

I shook my head, along with Grover, then noticed that the other kids had no idea what was happening, they were eating their lunches and playing like it wasn't even there.


Maddie, Grover, and I sat down on the edge of the fountain in front of the museum. 

We had moved away from the other kids when other people arrived, wanting to separate ourselves from the 'troubled' kids from Yancy Academy. 

Just then, Nancy walked up to Maddie, seeming to have gotten bored of ruining everybody else's lives. 

She dumped her half-eaten lunch onto Maddie's head, then snickered evilly. "You look better this way! It's like your in your natural habitat!" 

Prophecy. {A PJO Fanfic.}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora