11. Saving But Not Helping- Revised

Start from the beginning

After I 'completed' the last level I knew I was almost there. The idiot wasn't dumb but he wasn't particularly smart. He would only bring the amount of people he felt necessary, even if he should bring more. It was a habit he had never seemed to break and I was glad he didn't.

I was tired but fueled with rage, and there was only two people who I wanted my rage to be let out on. Luckily, I was about to say hi to one.

~Lance pov~

I was chained to the bed while a rag filled my mouth. The position brought me to memories I had tried many times to get rid of, my body shaking as much as I allowed it. I knew they could have used ropes but he was trying to torment me without actually injuring me.

I would hear thumps and shuffling from the floors below, each noise bringing more tears to my eyes. I knew it was Keith down there, fighting people only because of me. I had so many opportunities to help him from this situation but was too much of a coward to try anything. Me moving in with him being one of them.

If I had just stayed with my mom he wouldn't be in this situation. I would have been fine there but I was selfish and decided to leave. Now we were both in a situation that could have been easily prevented.

The door knob wiggled and I was sent further into my memories. It was of the days I would try to lock myself away only for him to find a way in anyway. It made me cry harder.

I just wanted the memories gone.

"Lance! Lance, I'm right here!" I tried to focus on the voice, only to see a bloodied Keith. All of his clothes had some type of blood stain while his face was covered in it. A cigarette was placed between his lips and I couldn't stop myself from staring at him with horror.

That couldn't have been him. He said he would quit. He said he wouldn't get himself hurt. This couldn't be my Keith yet I knew it was. Daggers and everything, I knew that this was the Keith I moved in with.

"Get away!" I called out against my will, my voice cracking while his eyes widened.

I swear I want you to come closer.

"St-stay away from me!" I said in attempt to move away, only to be stopped by the sound of the chains.

Don't, please don't leave me alone.

My stomach churned at the sight of the blood as tears streamed down my face, my body shaking more than it ever had. I wanted him to go away but deep down I knew I wanted him to pull me to his chest and tell me everything was going to be fine. But everything was not fine.

He looked at me through tears of his own, his eyes saddened and his grip loosening. That was his mistake. I was his mistake. He had let his guard down due to me and now we were both in more trouble than we should have been.

~Shiro's pov~

My men were armed and ready. Pidge had offered to stay back in case anything else happened and I didn't plan on arguing. Keith and Lance were probably in more danger than they thought they would be in if it was who I think it is. I was already moving on a tight schedule but there was no room for any type of mishap.

The drive would be a good fifteen or twenty minutes, leaving a little extra minute to perfect everything. If Keith had already made it, I would be surprised, but knowing him he knew a quicker way to get there. He was also pissed beyond anything I had seen and had no doubt that also played a role in it. The cigarettes he had stashed in his jacket was a new pack I had gotten and I wondered why he needed it.

He left with half of our knives which left us with more guns than wanted, but I supposed it wasn't that big of a deal. If he was apart of what was tattooed on his lower stomach, I knew he would have some skill in the craft. Although, I wasn't sure how far that skill went. The building he was going to could easily hold more men than a single person could handle.

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