Chapter 28

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She glanced at it quickly, then to him. He was smiling faintly, waiting for her to accept it.

"Temperance Augustine," she said, placing her hand confidently into his.

Roman held her hand there for a moment, clutching it within the solid warmth of his — an unexpected silence then held between the two. His thumb rubbed the top, intimately so, and then he brought her hand near his lips, her flesh nearing there.

"Well, Temperance Augustine, it is a pleasure," he said lowly, before his kiss then dusted the top, lingering there for what seemed like an eternity. His eyes did not close, but bore into hers, holding her prisoner there. A fierce storm of something unknown shot like fireworks through her belly. There was just something about him that drew her in, enticed her to the sin she wanted to partake in. She wasn't certain where it derived from, but something in the deep secret of her, felt lured and captivated by his simple touch.

She held her breath, then was able to exhale in a manner in which seemed delicate and feminine. "You too," was all she could manage to say.

He nodded, releasing her hand. "Do you always leave the safety of a crowd?"

Her brows came together. "Safety...?" Her voice trailed off, her eyes looking perplexed.

He stood then, fluidly, his tall frame towering over hers. "The crowd," he repeated, turning his eyes to hers.

Nodding and then smiling lightly, he continued. "A beautiful woman such as you shouldn't be strolling around by a river alone. Especially when dusk is approaching."

She laughed lightly, and then got herself off the ground, casually dusting off her gown with both hands. "Oh, well, I don't think I have anything to fear," she breathed out, laughing lightly.

"And why do you think that?" he asked, his eyes still on the river, his body erect, statuesque and solid.

He waited for her to answer. Wanted to see how her brain worked, longing to hear the sounds of her voice again. It was sweet and feminine, yet held an edge to its note. And damn it, he liked every bit of it.

"Because I'm a big girl, and I don't believe in the boogie man," she said plainly, her voice airing on the side of sharp cool now. All signs of her nervousness seemed to dissipate.

His eyebrow lifted sharply, and looking directly into the gold of her eyes, he stated with no holds barred. "Well you should," he said rigidly, clinching his jaw.

She walked over toward him, yet still a few feet away. There was a quiet between them now. Not uncomfortable, but as if they were two friends enjoying the view together. She watched the stir of the river, allowing his words to seep into her mind, trying to understand what he meant by them.

Out of the corner of his eye he watched her. She was as he expected. Beautiful, stubborn and damn desirable. He hadn't intended to follow her over, but the girl's recklessness had prompted him to do just that.

"And why is that?" she finally managed to say, turning her entire body around facing his.

"Because there are things in this world that would eat you for breakfast and not think twice about it," he countered sternly. His face no longer held that sexy debonair smile, but was stone now, as his eyes moved over her entire body appreciatively, and then stopping to her eyes, which were blazing with a fury that would open Hell itself if allowed.

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