XV. the herbal tea from hell

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AS FLEECY LED KARINA, percy, and hazel into the back of the store, karina kept looking back over her shoulder nervously at frank— who looked like he desperately wanted to follow along with them. she didn't understand why iris wanted to keep frank behind with her, but she didn't find it in her to ask. she's learned over time that questioning the gods is not a good idea unless you have a death wish. and as karina neared a turn in the hallway, she looked behind her and sent frank one last reassuring smile, before going completely out of his sight.

as they continued to walk down the corridor, she still had a good grip on percy, her right arm wrapped around his waist supportively while her left hand gripped his forearm, which kept him standing upright. percy's hand had a tight grip on the hand that karina was using to grip his forearm, while the rest of his body leaned into her as if she was the one thing keeping him from passing out— which, she probably was.

"just a few more turns." fleecy said brightly from the front of the group, the only sounds being heard coming from the clomping of her combat boots against the creaky wooden floorboards.

"how big is this store?" hazel asked skeptically. from the outside, this store merely looked more than the size of a gas station, but apparently it's bigger than any of them thought, as they turned another corner, leading them into a small room.

the room looked like it was about to overflow with things. on one side of the wall, there were lines of shelves filled with crystal balls of all different sizes and shapes— some with glass bottoms and others with no bottoms at all— just the glass ball sitting there. and all throughout the room there were coat racks and benches stacked with a collection of tie-dyed items— from tote bags to stuffed animals. there was even a tie-dyed coat rack itself. if you just skimmed your eyes over the room, it would look like there was no floor at all, just a collection of tie-dyed shirts and spices. but, in the very back of the small room, there was what looked like a makeshift kitchen— with sage green counter tops and dark wooden cabinets above the counter. there was convection oven that sat atop the green counter top, and right next to it were four cups of green tea. which, karina knew definitely didn't taste like the green tea she was accustomed to.

fleecy sighed happily, gesturing to room as if it were a new house. "well, make yourselves at home! i will go and get your tea for you, and for you," she pointed at percy. "i will get your memory sickness cup. i made sure to add extra of iris's medicinal powder into yours." she winked and stumbled through the room over to the kitchen area, attempting to grab the tea's all at once.

hazel stared at the room for a while, as if thinking how she got herself into this position. but then, she finally moved over to a large pile of tie-dyed shirts, and began to push them onto the floor— revealing a small red couch that had been under it.

hazel turned to karina and smiled proudly. "i think this is the best we're going to get in here."

karina chuckled, making her way over to the couch happily, setting percy down first, then sitting down in between him and hazel. "this is fine for me. as long as i don't have to lug around percy anymore."

percy looked up at her from his spot on her shoulder, his head resting comfortably on it, his lips turned down in a small pout. "you don't enjoy carrying me around?"

karina tilted her head down to look at him, trying her best to ignore how close both of their faces were, and smiled smugly at him. "no, i don't. you're heavy."

percy rolled his eyes, and repositioned his head to where his face was facing in front of them, and the side of his head was resting on the crook of her neck. "i would carry you if i had to." he mumbled, barely audible, but she still heard it.

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