XVI. strange revelations reveal something big

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WHEN KARINA opened her eyes, she was not on the the boat laying on percy's shoulder, but instead she was standing in some type of workshop— well, floating, in a way— she couldn't see her body, but she could see everything around her.

the workshop that karina was looking at was huge. giant machines, work tables, old maps and schematics everywhere. and right in the center of the workshop, on a large central table, was the head of a dragon. but not a real dragon, more like a mechanical one. it looked battered and scorched for some reason— like it had been through a battle.

but then, karina finally saw who was sitting at the table, looking over some sort of blue print in front of him, and switching back and forth between the blueprint and a scrap sheet of paper, occasionally writing down notes and bits of pieces of information, and he was working fairly quickly too, like he was working on a time crunch. it was a boy— who looked about fifteen, and he looked sort of like a latino elf. he had grease stains all over his body, and his curly hair was sticking up in all different angles, probably from the grease as well.

the boy was constantly talking to himself, saying weird, and non understandable things to himself as he continued to jot down scattered notes.

". . . now i need to figure out what will make the engine keep the argo II in the air . . . " he muttered to himself again, swiping some loose curls out of his face, which caused him to have a large streak of black grease on his forehead, making karina giggle.

but, why was she here? why was her dreams— or even the gods— showing her this? she has no idea where she is, or who this boy is, so why is it important to her to see this? and what was the argo II? there were a lot of things going through karina's mind as to why she was watching this, when suddenly, the door swung open, revealing someone karina was expecting least to see.

"jason?" karina muttered to herself, her breath getting caught in her throat at the sight of the blonde-haired son of jupiter. he had grown taller in the time he had been gone, and his hair had grown longer, making him seem way more mature than he was before he disappeared. he still had that small smirk that he was always sporting on his face, and he was walking into the workshop with a skip in his step, like he was excited to see what the latino boy was working on.

"how's the argo coming, leo?" jason asked as he strided up to the boy's— leo— side, looking over the messy notes he had previously been taking.

leo sighed and gave shot him a trouble-maker smirk, casting jason a look of annoyance and impatience. "just great! i can't figure out a way to make the engines keep the ship in the air. i'm stuck between using propellers or giant fans at the bottom of it."

jason snorted, and shook his head. "i don't think giant fans would be very efficient, especially in the water."

leo rolled his eyes and sighed, slouching back into his metal chair. "well, do you have any better ideas? i only have a few more months to get this ship ready  in order to get to camp jupiter, and i can't afford to waste any more time."

karina's eyes widened at the sound of this? they were trying to get to camp jupiter? but . . . why, and how? she had no idea where jason and leo were, or who they were working with in order to sail to her camp, but she didn't like the sound of it. but, at the same time, this was jason they were talking about. he had been at camp jupiter his whole life, why would he want to do something bad to it? karina didn't know what to think from this, and she didn't know if she should tell the others when she woke up about what she was seeing.

jason sighed and looked at leo in sympathy. "hey, don't stress about it, leo. you're one of the greatest mechanics i've ever seen in my life. i know you'll figure it out."

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