Chapter Forty: Errands

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"Okay so if you don't mind, can you get some spray paint for me?" Steven said over the phone.

"I can do that. Anything else you need?" I asked holding a list.

"No just the wood and paint. Thank you." Steven said hanging up the phone.

I looked at the list while Lapis drove.

"Lapis, do you know where do get any wood?" I ask looking at her.

"The lumber yard I guess." Lapis said shrugging.

We drove to the lumber yard in silence. We were getting some wood for Stevens play. As we pulled up to the yard we stepped out the car and opened nthe trunk.

"Alright I'll go get the wood and you stay here" I said looking at Lapis.

"Alright." Lapis replied.

I walked around for a bit looking at the wood. I eventually found a large piece that was perfect for Steven. I grabbed and loaded it in the car.

"To the hardware store." I said getting in the car.

We drove to the hardware store with some music on. I marked wood off the list and looked up. When we pulled into the parking lot lapis got out the car.

"I'll be back soon." Lapis said kissing my head.

About five minutes later she walked out with a back.

"I got the paint." Lapis said getting in the car.

She put the car in drive and we went to drop off the stuff.

[A bit of a short chapter but I just wanted to put something out for you guys. Okay Byee.]

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