Chapter Twenty Five: Seven Minutes In Heaven

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Lapis and I were at one of the Crystal Gems meetings, Amethyst mentioned a party.
"You guys going to the party tonight?" Amethyst said in an enthusiastic voice.
"What's the point?" I asked.
"To have a good time, and to get wasted!" Amethyst said looking really happy.
"Now that you mentioned that, I'm going." Lapis said with a smug look.
"I'll think about it." I said looking up.
We sat there for a while. Ruby and Sapphire continued working on Project Garnet. Bismuth talked about how she wants to become blacksmith. Pearl got angry at Amethyst for some reason. And  Lapis just held on to me the whole time.
"Alright, same time tomorrow." Pearl said standing up.
We all left and went to our own individual dorms. Now I have to fit a party into my schedule.
After all our classes Lapis went straight to the bathroom. Thirty minutes later Lapis walked out. She had amazing makeup along with cute clothes.
"Wow. You look stunning." I said in awe.
"Thanks. Are you coming?" Lapis said sitting next to me.
"Oh, yeah!" I said jumping up.
I put on a nice shirt and fixed my hair. I walked out the door with Lapis.
We got into Lapis' car and left to the place Amethest told us to go. It was at some person's house. There was loud music and people everywhere. As soon as we got there Lapis decided to start drinking.
"Already?" I asked with shock.
"Rubbing alchohol cures outside pain, drinking alcohol cures inside pain." Lapis said winking at me.
"You made it!" Amethyst yelled from across the room.
She was with Ruby and Sapphire. Suprising Pearl was also there, with Bismuth. Amethyst pushed her way passed people to get to Lapis and I.
"Y'all ready to play some games?!" Amethyst yelled with excitement.
"What games they play here." Lapis asked drinking down another cup.
"They have seven minutes in heaven upstairs." Amethyst explained with a smut look.
"Let's go!" Lapis said dragging me along with her.
When we got upstairs there were people standing in front of a door. They said that the host was about to start the game. Then the door opened. My jaw dropped. Spinel opened the door.
"This is your party?!" I asked in a high tone.
"Oh shit, Peridot is that you?" Spinel said with excitement.
"Well, yes. But this is your party?!" I asked again.
"Obviously. So I see you and Lapis got back together.
"Yeah." I said looking at Lapis.
"So, you guys going to play?" Spinel asked with excitement.
"Yep, let's go." Lapis said pushing passed Spinel and I, drinking another cup.
We all sat down in a circle. Spinel explained the rules. Spin the bottle, who ever it lands on you have go into the closet for seven minutes. Spinel took the honors of spining the bottle first. It spun or a couple seconds before slowing down. I kept spining until-
"Peridot!" Spinel said with joy.
I looked at the bottle. It was pointed at me. Before I left I kissed Lapis on the cheek. Then Spinel took my arm and led me into the closet. She set a timer on her phone.
"Its been a while." Spinel said rubbing against me.
"Y..yeah." I said feeling awkward.
"I missed you." Spinel said getting close to my lips.
"You know, I'm with Lapis." I said now red.
"I know. Makes it more fun." Spinel said kissing my neck.
"Spinel..." I said trying to push her away.
She shushed me. She continued to kiss my neck as she slid a hand down my pants. She started by rubbing my clit. It felt good, but it wasn't from who I wanted. She continued by sliding a finger into me. I moaned softly as she moved her finger.
"St..stop." I said softly.
"Make me." Spinel said sliding another finger in.
I moaned a bit louder. I tried pushing her away but she kept coming closer. She continued until her phone went off. She pulled her fingers out and licked them.
"See you later." Spinel said winking.
We stepped out the closet. I went to Lapis and told her I'm leaving. She looked at me.
"Bye bye!" Lapis said with a lazy look.
"Are you drunk already!" I asked loudly.
"Mabye..." lapis said giggling.
"Well see you later. I'm leaving." I said walking out.
I layed on the couch felling empty.

Happy Brithday (Lapidot AU, 18+)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant