Chapter Thirty One: Aquamerine

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I woke up the next morning. I brushed my teeth and got ready for my classes. I looked at Sapphire and Ruby. They still had the visors on.

"Garnet?" I asked looking at the computer.

"Yes?" Garnet said after a yawn.

"Are you going to unfuse?" I asked grabbing my stuff.

"I should." Garnet said with a sigh.

Sapphire and Ruby suddenly moved. As if they where shocked. They took off the visor.

"Wow." Ruby said smiling. "It worked."

"That was fantastic!" Sapphire said hugging Ruby.

"We gotta go to classes. So hurry it up." I said walking out the door.

I walked out into the hallway. I saw Aquamerine and Topaz from yesterday's class.

"Hey." I said with a smile.

"I'm taken." Aquamerine quipped.

"Okay? I'm just saying hi." I replied looking at her.

"Stop playing. I know you just go around and fuck everyone you see." Aquamerine said rolling her eyes.

"Last time I had sex was highschool!" I said a bit loudly.

"Lies. I heard it from a girl with pink hair. You were at a party and you two fucked." Aquamerine said looking at me.

"Spinel? Shes only been here one time, and that was yesterday." I snapped.

"She's been coming here for the past five months. She's been going into Lapis' dorm. You haven't seen her?" Aquamerine asked.

"No. Do you know why?" I asked loudly.

"Nope." Aquamerine said looking at Topaz. "Well I'm headed to class."

She walked away. I couldn't believe it. How have I not noticed? I'm going to end this. Tonight. Wait. I got the thing with Steven. Tomarrow. This ends.

Happy Brithday (Lapidot AU, 18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora