Chapter Forty-Two: Crash

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[Six months since last left off.]

Stevens play was a success. The story was amazing and the critics found it to be amazing. He was planning on going on tour with it. Lapis and I are both very proud of how far he has come. I hope he gets the best of the best.
Lapis and I walked out of the theater. It was one of the largest numbers of people to come to the play. It was crowded so we quickly got to Lapis' car and drove to our dorms. On the drive home we were talking about our plans for the next day.

"Tomorrow is saturday, and since I know you, you have no plans. Want to do anything?" Lapis asked looking at the road then back at me.

"Jeez, way to put me on the spot Lap," I replied jokingly, "What if you just stay inside and just hang out with each other? We have been constantly working on the play with Steven, so we could just have some down time and just be together."

"You are such a nerd," she replied with a cute laugh, darting her eyes back and fourth from the road to me, "I love you so much Peri. Come here."

She leaned in and kissed me. Our lips met. It was a kiss that spoke volumes about how we felt for each other - a deep, passionate connection that went beyond the universe. It was amazing to just do a little thing like a kiss with her. I opened my eyes to look at her, but my eyes were blinded by light. Car horns filled my ears.

"Lapis!" I screamed.

The sound of metal crushing against metal echoed in my ears. The screeching of tires, the sickening thud of impact. Time slowed down as I realized what was happening. The car spun out of control. Fear filled me.
My glasses flew off my face, which caused everything to be blurry. I felt pain all over my body, I looked to my side to look at Lapis. Red. Lost of red.

"Lapis! Oh my stars! Lapis! Please Lapis!" I grabbed onto her, my hand covered in her blood.

I touched her body and felt a large sharp metal shard in her side. Lapis lied unconscious as I screamed out for help.
Sirens filled my ears soon after, along with red and blue lights. I don't remember much after that. Just things like seeing Lapis in a stretcher, and me being placed into an opposite ambulance than her. I eventually passed out.

I opened my eyes to the sterile white walls of the hospital room. The pain was intense, and I could barely move. I remembered the crash, the sound of metal on metal, and the terror that had gripped me. Lapis, I immediately thought. I looked to my right side and saw someone with blue hair standing there. Everything was still blurry.

"Lapis?" I asked, looking in the direction of the person in the room with me.

"Thank God!" A voice said with a British accent. "You're awake!"

"Aquamarine? Where's Lapis?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"She's in the room right across from you. She's still unconscious, but the doctors say she will be just fine, just a few injuries."

"I need to see her." I said, sitting up.

"Hey-hey, slow down there, green. You need to stay here," Aquamarine said, coming to my side "Please, I know you're an ambitious person, and that you care very much for Lapis, but you need to sit here and take time to heal. Please."

"You're right, Aquamarine," I said with a sigh, "When she wakes up tell her that I love her, please."

"You will tell her yourself. Now I'm going to alert a nurse that you are awake, okay?"

I watched as she ran into the hall and yelled for a nurse. I lied back down looking at the white ceiling. The image of Lapis' side being impaled filled my mind. I gripped the sheets as my heart raced.

"Please be okay, for the love of stars, please be okay, Lapis." I whispered under my breath.

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