Chapter Twenty Nine: Fusion

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I was still sitting on the floor. After, what felt like an eternity, Sapphire and Ruby came back. Ruby set her stuff down and ran straight to her desk. Sapphire went to me.
"Do you need anything?" Sapphire asked in a soft voice.
"A loyal girlfriend." I replied.
"What happened between you two?" Sapphire asked.
"Spinel raped me. She told Lapis I liked it. Lapis fucked Pearl as payback. And now I'm here." I said looking at the ceiling.
"She fucked Pearl!" Sapphire yelled loudly.
"I thought Pearl didn't like that stuff." Ruby said from across the room.
"Me too. Well anyway, Peridot would you like to see the progress on Garnet?" Sapphire asked in a light tone.
"Sure." I said standing up.
I brushed myself off and followed Sapphire to Ruby's desk. There were some weird, but cool, looking visors on it.

 There were some weird, but cool, looking visors on it

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"We want to be together as one person. But we can't do that if we both exist. So we created this visor. When we put it on it connects our minds as if we were one!" Ruby explained with enthusiasm.
"So what happens to your physical bodies?" I asked.
"We go limp." Sapphire said looking at Ruby.
"We already found away to connect our mental minds, but next we're going to find a way to connect our physical and mental minds!" Ruby said with excitement.
"How, exacally?" I asked looking at her.
"When we put the visor on, Garnets thoughts get transmitted onto this computer." Sapphire said poking a computer.
"Garnets thoughts?" I asked.
"Both our thoughts combined. It's like one person talking." Ruby said picking up one of the visors.
"So what exactly do you call this process?" I asked looking at the computer.
"Fusion!" They both said at the same time.
"Now we just want to create a mechanical body for Garnet." Ruby said looking at Sapphire.
"Like a robot?" I asked with a confused look.
"Well yes, kinda. We're going to make it as human as possible. It might take a couple months. It might take years, who knows. But we will continue it no matter what." Sapphire explained kissing Ruby's cheek.
That's when it hit me. They really love eachother. If they are willing to fuse their minds together as one person, they must really love eachother. I want that. With Lapis.

Happy Brithday (Lapidot AU, 18+)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin