Chapter Thirty Four: Visitor

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I walked into Ruby and Sapphires dorm to grab my stuff. They were both working on some mechanical limbs for their project. I looked at them and smiled. I could tell they knew Lapis and I got back together. I gathered all my stuff and said goodbye. I walked back to my dorm. As soon as I got there I saw the door close. Interesting. Did Lapis invite someone? Oh well, guess I'll find out. I opened the door. I looked at who was in there. It was Spinel.

"What the fuck." I said in disbelief.

"Peridot." Lapis said looking at me.

"Why is she here?!" I asked loudly.

"Peridot." Lapis repeated.

"What?!" I asked finally looking at her.

"She's here to clear things up." Lapis said looking at me.

"Peridot, I-"

"No. Leave." I said interrupting Spinel.

"I just wanna say sor-"

"Leave!" I yelled at her.

Spinel looked at me. She sighed and started to walk to the door. She turned back at me. I didn't look at her. She opened the door and left. I looked at Lapis. She was sitting down looking at me. I stared back.

"What?" I asked

"I understand you two are complicated right now, but you have to listen to her." Lapis said in a sorrow voice.

"I will when I'm ready, I'm going to sleep." I said laying my stuff down.

"Oh, already?" She asked looking at me.

"Yes. Why, do you have plans?" I asked changing into more comfortable clothes.

"Well, before Spinel left, I thought I could invite some people to come over. Like Aquamerine, Topaz, Yeo, Blair, and anyone you wanted." Lapis said with a slight smile.

"Oh, well you still can. Besides last time I saw Yeo or Blair was in highschool, when Spinel and I were together. We walked onto them while they were having  sex." I said with a laugh.

"Damn, well I'll try to get them to come over. What about Aquamerine? Do you know her?" Lapis asked.

"Yep, ran into her the other day. And Topaz is always around her so I've met her too. She's also in my therapy class." I said fixing my hair.

"Therapy? You take that class?" She asked sitting up.

"Yeah. Actually Steven is in it too. Steven, Connie, and I went to dinner last night." I said sitting down.

"Wait, Steven? Steven Universe?" She asked sitting straight up.

"Yes? Wait you don't know that he comes here?" I asked with a chuckle.

"We need to invite him over!" She said with excitement.

"Let's do it!" I said with a smile.

[Sorry for the wait. But it's finally out. Yayy. Next chapter should be fun but idk. Okay byee!]

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