Eddie, the beast, glanced over at Roxanna. Never a dull moment with that one. Ever since Macey went missing, Roxanna ran the mansion with precision. Everyone knew to stay out of her way, except the demon. Oh, he should have known since he intruded on their lives and learned a lot about them.   

Roxanna reached inside her luggage and whipped out a heavy blade. No one expected it, except maybe the demon. He went in his pocket and pulled out a handful of dust and blew it in Roxanna's face.

The horror of seeing her mother faint caught Brenda off guard. She stomped forward with the bat raised, aiming to whack the demon's head. Before she got close enough, the dead butler turned and smacked her. The impact sent her several feet in the opposite direction. It was the wrong move. Not just Brenda, who let her emotions get the best of her, but for the demon who landed himself in the wrath of Jared. Brenda had become his everything, his support since losing his mother. She will become his wife one day if she says yes. A union meant to be, like everything else that's fallen into place. 

The demon faced Jared first. The second wrong move. Uncle Eddie, in beast mode, attacked from the rear. Neither Eddie nor Jared thought to ask the demon questions. Like, where's Macey? Eddie ripped the demon's left arm off. Jared squeezed the heart in his hand and let it crumble at his feet. Then went for the demon's eyes. His intent, destroy every organ because this was personal. 

Johnathan had come to work for them right after their beloved butler, Daniel, died when they freed themselves from the witch's curse. There was no question he assisted in Macey's disappearance. 

The demon butler fought with supernatural strength. But it wasn't enough to save him. By the time Jared and Eddie finished, the butler lay scattered across the entrance. Black blood spattered the walls, rotted guts spread along the hall.  

Jared and Eddie stood back and viewed the mess they had made. Both were breathing hard till they saw David standing on the other side of Johnathan. He wasn't supposed to be home so soon. "Was that Johnathan?" he said with a scolding look in his eyes. 

Eddie transformed back to human form while Jared caught his breath. Both had black muck all over them.  "Was," Jared said. 

David sat his luggage to the side, "I see. Did you get information from him before," he paused as he eyed the separate parts of the butler. "This is a bit unhinged." 

Jared cocked his eyes at Eddie, who signaled him with narrowed brows and a slight movement of his head to keep quiet. 

"What did I miss," Brenda said as she approached, rubbing her head. Then she saw her mother. "Mom!" The four of them rushed to Roxanna's side. 

David pushed Brenda, Jared, and Eddie aside, "Best I assess, I earned my medical degree for a reason." he said. 

After Macey disappeared, David was lost, almost paralyzed. Until it occurred to him, he'd need more than a degree in psychology to be of good use to the family. A family he inherited after falling in love with Macey. If there were any questions where David's loyalty lies, one would look at his studies. His every breath was in preparation for Macey's return, and the quest to find her became his life goal. Information, in his eyes, was the key to success. No one questioned it. After all, David successfully pulled them out of Evalena's alternate world spells. Without him, who knows if they would have survived the witch's curse.

"I'm ok," Roxanna said, coming out of the fog the demon imposed. Sitting up straight was another story. "My head is killing me."

"Take it easy," David said. "Tell me what happened."

Brenda, still angry with the demon, said, "That thing blew something in her face. I was knocked out, if not..."

"We got him, Brenda," Jared interrupted, then wrapped his arm around her.

David darted his eyes in Jared's direction, and Eddie elbowed Jared, another signal to keep quiet. Though, Jared knew inside the demon wouldn't have given them any information. So, it was pointless to avoid the conversation. "David, Johnathan knew we were onto him. He wouldn't have told us anything about mom. When he blew that powder in Roxanna's face, our instinct was to kill. No one messes with this family." 

Eddie, teary-eyed, added, "I'm with him."

Brenda said, "Me too."

David stared at them but then said, "Yes, I see. You're right. We are family."

Another chance to learn the whereabouts of Macey slipped. But there was no other way. Losing a family member was not acceptable. It wouldn't be for Macey either. The one question remaining was how much did the demon learn and share with the underworld before they sent him back to hell? 

"Hello, my headache," Roxanna cried.

"Let's get her into bed," David said. Looking at Roxanna, "You'll need rest."


"Doctors orders."

Once they settled Roxanna in bed, David announced, "I've learned more about the portals and the demons who guard them."

"Do tell," Eddie said. All eyes were on David to share his knowledge. 

"It is a she."

"Who is a she," Brenda said, impatient as her mother. 

"The boss," David said and drifted in thought. He'd wondered if Evalena was the boss. That would explain their inability to find Macey, yet not the pressing concern. What if the boss was Macey? Low-level demons revealed the information during an exorcism in Rome. The victim, also a female, was to be sworn into the underworld under the control of the Queen. 

"David. Get on with it," Brenda said. 

"Yes, yes." He cleared his throat, "The person, or in this case demon responsible for Macey's disappearance, is female."

"So, you're saying Evalena's behind this?" Jared said. 

Eddie's beast side faded in and out.  "I'm going to the other side," he said. 

"No. I'm saying we're dealing with a female. That's all I know so far. We cannot jump to conclusions and assume it's Evalena. That will result in us being unprepared if it's not."

Jared stood up and paced, shook his head, and frowned. He stopped walking and looked back at David, "If not Evalena, then who?" When David didn't respond, Jared said, "You think it's Mom?" 

Macey's Missing: Taber Blood IIWhere stories live. Discover now