Chapter 7

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One, two, three, four...fifty pushups. Jared walked to the pull-up bar and began counting again. He's avoided the family for weeks. His new powers have him fearful of being around the people he loves and trusts most. Besides, now that he and Brenda are speaking again, he doesn't want to blow it, as in, put his big electrical foot in his mouth. 


Jared let go of the pull-up bar and landed on his feet facing the stairs. Brenda appeared holding a sports drink in her hand, "You've been working out for hours. Thought you could use this." She held the bottle toward Jared, and when he didn't take it, she felt flushed with embarrassment. Jared swept her against his body. He said nothing. Brenda felt his body pressed against hers, and it weakened her knees. Jared leaned in. They were both hungry for a simple hot-ass kiss. His mouth pressed against hers, and she moaned. Jared lavished every second, and when he groaned, electricity jolted. Brenda screamed. 

Jared let go of her and stepped away. His biggest fear had just come true. 

"I'm sorry," Jared said, palms facing her, but he dared not touch her when doing so could harm her again. 

"What happened?"

Both Jared and Brenda looked at Uncle Eddie, who stood at the top of the attic stairs. His beast side lay dormant but alert. Jared fumbled for words. He didn't want to admit he just sent a bolt of electricity through Brenda. But, keeping it secret has consequences. 

"I tripped, but Jared caught me," Brenda said. 

Jared appreciated Brenda covering for him and gave her a soft nod. He faced Uncle Eddie, "I accidentally shocked her."

Uncle Eddie moved close to Jared and gripped his shoulder, "You'll gain control in time" He looked at Brenda, "Are you ok?"

Brenda was ok, physically, but inside she was anxious to leave the room. Neither she nor Jared told Uncle Eddie about their kiss. Brenda handed Jared the sports drink without looking at him, "Here, I'm going to the library." She giggled, "As if you wouldn't know that. Anyway, I'll start researching speed and electric superpowers. Maybe I'll find a way to help you gain control." Both Eddie and Jared remained silent. Brenda felt every uncomfortable second. She glanced at the two and realized they weren't looking at her but behind her. She faced the other direction, and there stood the ghost of Sarah.

"Sarah," Brenda whispered. She couldn't believe her eyes.

Sarah began to fade away, compelling Jared to rush toward her, "Aunt Sarah, wait." She vanished. Jared spun around, "Sarah's back! Did you see her?" 

David and Roxanna rushed up the stairs. As soon as they entered the attic, Roxanna said, "What happened?"

Jared was full of energy. Dangerous for a young man who couldn't control his superpowers. Uncle Eddie's beast side remained on high alert. Jared sped across the room and had Roxanna by the shoulders in less than a second. She jerked back, surprised by his sudden closeness. 

Jared squeezed her arms, "Aunt Sarah's back! She's back!"

David pushed his glasses up, "Sarah was here? Did she say anything about Macey?"

Brenda took care approaching Jared, "Sarah didn't say anything. But she was here. We all saw her, right Jared?" She tapped Jared's arm to get his attention. "Jared and I were up here, and I tripped. Jared caught me, though. He was like lightning," she said, eyeing Jared. "Jared had a good grip on me, but then Eddie came, and Jared let me go. I fell anyway, but not before he gave me a little jolt of electricity," she laughed. I was about to leave when Uncle Eddie and Jared saw Sarah behind me. I turned, and she was right there," Brenda pointed to the corner of the attic. 

Jared received Brenda's message well. Calm down, and don't shock anyone else. "We're getting closer to finding my mother," he said and let go of Roxanna. 

Indeed they haven't been this excited in a long time. David started pacing, rubbing his chin, and rambling something incoherent. The family knew him well enough to know he'd start asking many questions in an attempt to solve the puzzle. Jared related well. He also put pieces together when confronted with a mystery.  

Roxanna, on the other hand, looked horrified. "We don't have a butler. We need groceries. I need to check the finances, make sure everything is in order." She looked around the space, "Dust. There's so much to do."

Brenda saw her mother's turmoil. Years ago, when Brenda was just ten-years-old, and a demon took Macey, Roxanna sprung into action. She survived the crisis, the loss of Macey, by taking care of the house in Macey's absence. No one challenged her, and if they had, they wouldn't have survived. It has been Roxanna's lifeline.  

Brenda wrapped her arm around her mother, "Can I help?"

The wild look in Roxanna's eyes subsided when she looked at Brenda, "Can you find a butler?"

Brenda smiled, "Yes, and I'll dust in between." 

David stopped rambling long enough to ask, "What was it that got Sarah here?"

"I was thinking the same," Jared said, keeping his distance so he didn't shock him. "Roxanna, maybe we can summon Sarah now."

Roxanna said, "Good idea." Looking at Brenda, she said, "I'll need-"

"Candles," Brenda said, one step ahead of her mother. "I'll gather them."

David interrupted, "What I'm saying is something changed to allow Sarah passage."

"What are you getting at?" Jared asked. He, too, assumed something had changed.  His body shook with anticipation, knowing he may see his mother soon. Seeing Sarah is a game-changer for sure. Jared wondered how she escaped the world of the dead. Sarah hadn't returned home in seven years. Something enabled her to reach them, but it eluded Jared. 

Uncle Eddie turned into the beast and back to his human form. He did it again and again. The family stared in awe at the sight of the transformation. It alarmed them, and they wondered if there was a threat nearby. 

Jared shuffled his feet and grabbed Eddie's human form, "Steady now." Jared shocked him by accident, but it stopped Eddie's transformation. 

David jumped up and down, "That's it!" Everyone watched him as he continued to bounce around. 

Brenda clapped her hand loud and said, "Snap out of it and tell us!"

"It's the electricity," Eddie said.

"Yes!" David said and hugged Jared. Moments later, he realized he shouldn't have as he regained consciousness. Jared zapped him, and it tossed him across the room. David rubbed his head. "You must work on controlling your powers."

"I'm sorry, David."

Uncle Eddie growled in beast form, then spoke in human form, "It's the electricity," he said and growled the next second. 

"Jared, zap him again," Brenda said. 

Jared complied, and Eddie, in human form, said, "Jared's new superpower opens the doorway to hell." He caught his breath, "To Macey."

David pushed his glasses up, "That's what I've been saying!"

Jared's electrical powers subsided, and along with that, Uncle Eddie remained in human form. Their new knowledge, Jared's ability to open and presumably close portals energized everyone. David returned to his studies, Roxanna and Brenda prepared the mansion, and Uncle Eddie and Jared started training the following day. 

The new butler arrived three days later. 

Macey's Missing: Taber Blood IIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें