Ch.8 Initiation

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After the project was complete, Osamu wanted to still talk to Kimika in class. And even during their joint practices that they started in May. He had to have patience like no other. Because he figured it would be slow to let her open up to him. 

Kimika was glad that the project was over. She was feeling weird herself. Insecurities are kicking in on how she should act and have an appropriate hairstyle. Or even thinking of what to do in class before she embarrasses herself in front of everybody and him. Those insecurities went out the window when she stepped on the court. 

She was so content that Asana and other fangirls that are playing volleyball for just the Miya Brother' attention and not for the passion of it----Coach did not accept them because their attitudes are nothing that's beneficial to the team. Luckily, Coach did picked up the Chuya and Suzume who have potential for the team. And also Amaya, another 1st year who has potential as a Wing spiker and Middle Blocker. Miyoko is set to be their setter but Coach plans on working Amaya as the backup Setter since she discovered that the 1st year has good hands. 

"Today," Coach began after a strenuous practice which Kimika loved and missed so much. Because she felt that the practice was good even if she'll feel a bit sore but now she can exercise more. "Coach Kurosu agreed that we'll now do joint practices every other day in order to challenge us. So we can improve before the Inter-High."

"That's great." Emiko said as the 3rd years nodded. 

"Indeed." Coach puts her hands on her hips. "We'll be having a joint practice starting tomorrow. Please be sure to stretch out and take care of your bodies so you won't be stressed out tomorrow." 

"We're going up against the guys?" Chuya and Amaya said at the same time, hearing the fear and the curiosity at the same time. 

"Don't worry." Miyoko reassures them. "It doesn't really matter if we lose. As long as we do our best to challenge them as well." 

"That's right." Coach agrees. "You'll get the hang of it when we actually play them. Although." She shows them a white board that she prepared before their meeting in the club room. She points with a ruler that she found in the desk. "We'll be wearing our practice jerseys so, I want you to focus on your receiving more importantly than the spiking. The 1st touch is very important. The best servers on the boys are: 

#7 Miya Atsumu: he'll basically serve first. So, the rotation will be Momo serving first, making Miyoko starting in the back row. Emiko is starting first as Middle Blocker and if we get out of this rotation, our Ace Hanami will be in spiking in the back row. Kimika will be our official Libero, so she'll be in the center of the receiving line." She looks at Kimika then at the 1st years. "If you all don't watch our Boys play, Atsumu has 2 different serves. He has the float serve and jump serve. That can result in service aces. They're really fast, so you all must be able to react quick and adapt to any serve a team gives us." 

"We've been practicing on serve receiving a lot and not much on playing together. But after that 1st touch, you all can learn how to trust in one another when you start playing against another team." Kimika was nodding to every single thing that came from the Coach. Because Coach actually, only played high school volleyball. But not playing pro because she accepted the fact that she won't be continuing volleyball because she tore her ACL and MCL in her 3rd year in the Inter-High Nationals and her season was done. 

Kimika appreciated Coach's concern and sympathy of seeing how she was doing. It was like the first and only person who really understood how Kimika felt and she was glad to have someone to connect and relate to the pain she had. She even felt empathy for Coach. But Coach waved it off, saying it was time to open her eyes and see what is actually important. She really did love volleyball but she needed to think about her life. 

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