10. Visits and Valentines

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"Alright, alright, I'll go see her," I sighed to Jake

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"Alright, alright, I'll go see her," I sighed to Jake. 

He'd wanted me to go see Hannah after the whole... thing.

Jake smirked victoriously.

That afternoon, after an unnecessarily long day of classes, I went down to the little market place thingy to get some flowers and chocolates.

Unfortunately the only chocolates left were in a stupid heart box, but I decided to get them anyway.

After that, I walked back to the university to see Hannah. I went to room B8 and knocked on the door. Madison opened the door.

"Oh, hey Madison," I waved. "I'm here to see Hannah?"

At this time, Jake had already taken Cassie to that little studio of his. They were probably doing some questionable things in it's loft by now.

"Hi Nick!"  Madison greeted me. "I'll just step outside to give you two some privacy. Maybe go shopping..."

"Maddie!" Hannah yelled from her bed. "You are supposed to be here studying!"

But it was to late. Maddie had already stepped outside, pushed me in and closed the door.

Hannah sighed. "Cassie is going to kill me."

"How you doing, Hannah?" I asked.

"I'm doing okay," she answered. "The crutches are hard to use though."

"Eh, you'll get used to them," I assured. 

Hannah grinned. "Yeah, you should know. You used them for almost a year when you fell off that treehouse in Jake's backyard when we were 8."

"Hey! You pushed me!" I said.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

We finally looked at each other and laughed. 

"Oh, those were the good old days," she sighed.

"Yeah," I agreed.

We chatted about how our childhood memories, that mean girl that Hannah was always quarrelling with in middle school and how we got voted best couple since one of our friends was the editor of the school newspaper and "accidentally" put the two of us as a couple in the ballot in high school.

"Oh, and here are some chocolates and flowers," I said. "Get well soon!'

"Heart-shaped chocolates?!" Hannah looked surprised. "No, Nick. I will not be your Valentine. It's not even February!"

"Ha ha, very funny," I replied sarcastically. "They were the only ones left in the store."

We talked for longer until Hannah fell asleep from her meds.

I lightly kissed her forehead. "Sleep tight, Hannah."


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Sorry for the small chapter and updating late, guys. I literally had so much work to do today. I'll try to update again today, but we'll see. This chapter was actually so short because I don't want to reveal everything about Nick and Hannah's relationship yet. Also, who agrees with Nick and thinks Jake and Cassie should have done some "humina humina" in the loft? queenieexxx, I'm looking at you! 😂 Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to vote, comment and follow! I love y'all and I'll see you guys next update!


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