part 14

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Homin's POVS

It was a rainy day outside of our dorm and saw someone sneeking in the rain to my dorm door...

Homin: who is that...?oh well... *Continues reading*

Suddenly "ARGHHHHH!" Out of yoonami's room...

Homin:yoonami...? seokjoon...?*Tilted her head out from her room*

And again"ARGHHHHHH!"....

Homin:...what the hell?...*get out of her room and walking forward to yoonami's room*

"ARGHHH!" And some weird guy voice...*opens the door*

Both Yoonjoon:ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The demon is here ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't wanna dieeeeeeee!

Homin:...*Sigh* what the hell!? You guys been screaming like crazy because of this movie are you serious!?

both Yoonjoon:sorry... Want to join us?...*Hand out popcorn*

Homin: why not....*joins them in a big cuddle*

Both Yoonjoon:yey...

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