part 5

22 1 0

Homin's POVS

Yoonami: yo crackheads


Seokjoon: hey girl


Homin:... welp anything from the Google or anything...

Yoonami:oh! yeah i got this..uhh photage saying that this school was closed before caused by an accident of a serial killer break into this school...then it says that they still can't find any suspect yet...and one more important thing is the serial killer is looking for a teenage girl...and-

Homin:hmm i think I know who... I guess you guys know it to...who I'm talking about...

Yoonami: can you let me finish?

Homin: no...

Yoonami:...then why you-

Homin:shhh now shut up i want to sleep

Both:.... You always sleep wake up for once....

Homin:no! Let me sleep!...

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