part 8

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Homin's POVS

After yesterday I had a big concern for i thought was it the boy who did this hmm... It must be full of anger i stand up and get dressed (casual and simple)to rage at the boy...
After a while of riding my motorcycle finally I'm there...

Homin:hey you!

???:m-me?.... yes?

Homin:you son of a-

???:wait!.... before everything else let me introduce myself first... My name is min yoongi... I'm 27-

Homin: and I don't care!you must be the who did it right!

Yoongi:did what...?

Homin: don't bloody hell lie to me! you're the one who chase me last night! Right!? And-

Yoongi:oh that chase...i was trying to talk to you but you run and spray my eyes with pepper spray...


Yoongi: apologies excepted


Yoongi:BTW what's your name...?

Homin:min homin....

Yoongi:oh!that was unexpected...

Homin: yeah.... you're the guy the that i met at the hwang's high school right?

Yoongi: huh yeah...

•~Time skip~•

Homin: well uh...i need to go bye!

Yoongi:take care !*waves at me*

Homin: you too!*wave back at him*

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