Chapter 28: I Don't Like Your Girlfriend. Well, I don't like your boyfriend!

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I spent my week reading 'City of Ashes' by Cassandra Clare---of course, I had school, too. I hadn't read 'City of Bones' before I read the second one, so it was a little confusing, even with reading what happened in the first one on Wikipedia. I admit, I was really pissed that Clary and Jace are brother and sister---they had great chemistry---but for me, I think being siblings would ruin the attraction a little, you know? Well Greta, who recommended the book to me, told me to read the third one directly afterward. I haven't yet. I'm still pissed at Clary for finally figuring out what she wants and then when Jace says "I'll just be your brother" she doesn't stop him.

Why do all the main character girls in books suck so much? I don't think I've read one book where she doesn't.

Okay, Scout, in 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is awesome, but she's nine years old.

I hardly ever read books; I tend to take on the worst trait of one of the main characters, usually my favourite. Yeah, I've gotten the pissed off at the world 'tude from Jace. I feel bad for Jace, though. Falling for Clary? Seriously? Then there's poor Simon. Always gotta be blind there, huh, Clary?

The more I talk about it, the more I hate Clary.

Well, I have to give Cassandra Clare this; in a world where vampires rule in teenage girls' minds, she had a lot of gut to make a team of vampire slayers and have it be successful as it is. Plus, I hate to admit, the brother/sister thing is pretty original. Most authors don't like to touch that. Although, I also hate to admit, I kind of like Magnus Bane, even though he's weird, but that's why he's awesome, no? Plus, he has nothing to do with vampires.

God, I hate vampires.

I hate them.

Girls would kill to have a vampire boyfriend---let me tell you, from past and present experience, it's not all it's cracked up to be. I mean, sure Damon was...But I'm not thinking about Damon.

"Elizabeth! I'm going out!" my dad called.

"K, have fun!" I shouted back. It took me hours to convince him to go out with Victoria tonight. I've been a little...emo, as Lily's now calling me...lately and my dad's been reluctant to leave me alone. Believe me, I'd be the last girl to kill herself over a guy. And just because I broke up with him doesn't mean I can't be depressed, right? I mean, I don't freaking need that in my life again.


I was running from Nicole's house, tears blurring my vision. How could I be so stupid?! She was always giving him looks and...argh! I didn't live too far from Nicole's house, but apparently, far enough. I felt someone grab my arm and wrench me, and I could only guess it was Andrew.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"Where do you think you're going?" he growled.

I laughed, on the brink of insanity. "You son of a bitch! We're over! What did you expect? I'd let you fuck my friend and we'd still be together? Screw you, Andrew! Let go of me!"

"We're not over," he protested. He pulled me into him. "Hey, we're not over, Elizabeth!"

"How many times do I have to say it? Let go of me, I never wanna see your filthy face again!"

That was when he grabbed a chunk of my hair and bit my neck. I screamed and fought and screamed some more. But it did no good. Andrew took me to the side of a random house and told me everything. He told me he'd been a vampire for only a few months, but before he'd met me. He said that we were soul mates and he could never let me go. I was too weak from the loss of blood to tell him if I was his soul mate, why was he screwing my friend?

"So now you know, Elizabeth," Andrew said in a dangerous voice. "Now we can never be without each other. Don't you see that?"

I don't think he loved me, not for one second. He was just insane. It was a shame it took me that long to realize it.

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