Chapter 3: Hating Lily

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I was relieved to see that my car was out in the driveway when I woke up. Good old Jeffery. I was his favorite customer, he always said. Sure I was; I was paying most his bills. He had told me, on more than one occasion, that my truck was a piece of crap and it was not worth the money I was putting into it to keep it alive. But the principle was stubborn as all get out. He wouldn't even let me buy my own car without my own money. I couldn't wait until I turned eighteen--which was about five months away.

So now I was regretting my drive to school for more than one reason. Damon Salvatore was the number one reason. I loathed school now. He lived to make my life a living hell. I had only known him one day and I knew that. I hated guys like that. I hated them.

While I was invisible yesterday, today everyone was rushing toward me, asking questions about how my drive with Damon was.


She squealed!

God, I shouldn't have been surprised! I should have never had told her! And I hadn't been gossiping to her, either. I was warning her! Didn't she get that?

My eyes blazed with fury as they found him. Damon Salvatore. Looking more arrogant than ever. I wanted to storm away, into the girl's bathroom. A-that would look like I was embarrassed. And B-I was almost certain he would follow me in there, regardless. So, I marched right over to him.

"What did you do?" I accused.

"Me? I did nothing," Damon said "innocently".

"Don't play games with me, Salvatore. What. Did. You. Do?"

Damon sighed. "Nothing. Your choice to believe it or not, but it's the truth."

I growled under my breath. "You know what everyone's saying, don't you?"

"Quite frankly I don't give a damn," he lowered his voice, as if he was telling some big secret. "Just to let you know, you're making matters worse for yourself."

He walked away, smirking. All at once, a swarm of girls bombarded me with pestering questions, like,

"What did he say?!"

"Are you guys, like, going out?" I don't know how many of those I got.

"Was he good in the car?" Good Lord!

"Are you guys going to prom together?" Good grief.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled before dashing away from the crowd. I wanna go back to the school's most wanted teenager! Oh, wait...I was, still, only more than before...Jeeze! Life just...sucked right now.

"Oh, my God, Liz!" I spun around to see Greta.

"Greta! Oh, thank God it's you!" I cried, wrapping my arms around her.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, you think! I did not sleep with Damon Salvatore! I don't even like him!" I defended.

"I know, that's why I was surprised to hear that you did. Don't worry, I didn't believe it," she assured.

"Thank goodness!" I sighed. "At least someone doesn't believe these nasty rumors! Greta! I wanna go back to being invisible!"

"I know," Greta soothed. "Gosh, I just wish Lily had kept her mouth shut."

"You and me both," I mumbled, feeling a burning anger towards Lily.

"But let's not be to harsh on her," Greta added. "Remember, she's only human."

I rolled my eyes begrudgingly. "Only human with a mouth."

"You know all she had to do was tell one of her other friends. And they were the ones to misunderstand," Greta pointed out fairly.

"I guess...It's still bad, though. I would never sleep around, especially with a guy I met yesterday," I almost whined.

"I can bank on a few girls who might with Salvatore..." Greta mumbled.

"I believe he'd like that."

"But he seems to like you."

I groaned. "And it sucks. I don't know why he likes me, either."

"Liz," Greta gave me a stern look. "You don't even realize how gorgeous you are."

"Thanks, Greta, but I don't think that has anything to do with it in this case."

"Most of it," she argued.

I sighed, defeated. For now. "We need to get to our classes. If we can."

"I think you'll find that's easier said than done..." Greta stared at the cluster of girls waiting for the latest gossip on the "Damon and Liz Scandal".

New fury settled at the bottom of my gut and rushing up my face when I saw the start of it all. No matter how much Greta had tried cooling me off about it, I still saw red when I saw her. I was going to absolutely murder Lily; my best friend. Had she stayed looking innocent, I would be less infuriated. But no, not Lily. No, she was prancing around like a movie star, answering people's questions without delay, as though taking autographs. For that I was going to kill her.

I looked to Greta for a sort of permission.

Greta sighed. "Okay, she deserves it this time. Just don't...get into a girly screaming match please."

"When have you known me to get into girly screaming matches?"

Greta held up her hands defensively. "I'm just saying."

I rolled my eyes and stormed straight toward Lily. As soon as she saw me, she let out a high-pitched scream and tried to run away. I grabbed her by her hair and practically dragged her into the girls' bathroom, where everyone followed.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I lashed out.

Lily was trying vainly too get out of my steel grip. "Owe, Lizzy, you're hurting me!"

"Tough! Why did you tell everyone a bunch of lies, Lily?"

Lily was crying now. Normally that would have calmed me down, but it didn't.


"I didn't mean to!" Lily screamed. "Tiffany called me and I had to tell her what happened, but the way I told it was so much juicier!"

I closed my eyes breathing hard. "Then you will go out there and tell every single last person the truth or so help me God, Lily--"

"Pain of death, got it!"

I let go of her hair. "Go."

"Lizzy, I'm really--"

"Just go!"

Lily went scampering out of the bathroom like a dog being kicked with its tail between its legs.

I took a few minutes to cool off before walking back out, where the cluster of people--now having nothing to say--scampered out of my way. I glared at them all, but walked dignified to my next class.

I did, though, get a peek at Damon's face, lit with pleased amusement. I had to give him a smirk at that. Apparently he didn't mind watching a-not-so-girl-fight.

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