Chapter 10: Ch-ch-ch-changes!

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"Are you sure it's him?"

Lily had come over directly after I called her. I reluctantly played the message again, watching Lily's face the entire time.

"I'd never forget his voice."

"But maybe he's just trying to scare you."

I gave her a doubtful look. "Do you remember what he said when he got taken away?"

"Okay, fine, Liz, I was just---"

"He said I would regret it! And when he came for me, no one...." I stopped, ready to burst into sobs.

Lily wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "It'll be okay. We'll just call the police---"

"The police?" I laughed bitterly. "They can't do anything, Lily. They couldn't hold him for four years!"

"What, you think that he broke out of prison?" Lily's eyes were wide.

I shook my head. "He's not that dumb."

"So....they let him off early?"

"I don't know!" I snapped hysterical.

"Okay, okay." Lily sighed. "Liz, I don't know what to do...."

"I'm sorry," I rasped. "I'm just...." I didn't want to admit how scared I was, even though if you can't be vulnerable with your friends, you can't really be vulnerable with anybody.

Lily stood up, yanking me to my feet playfully. "Then we'll do nothing for now."

"But, Lily---" I started, but she began dragging me toward the kitchen.

"I brought over cookie dough ice cream, Dr Pepper, pretzels, whip cream, a ton of your favourite movies...." Lily went on, talking about how she was going to wash my worries away with food, movies, and pedicures.

I played along, acting like I was having fun---in normal circumstances, I would have had fun---but deep down I was in hysterics. It had only been three years....The worst years of my entire life....But I wasn't going to think about that. I couldn't. If I did, I'd fall apart. And as much as I knew Lily would do her best to comfort me the best way she could, it was the last thing I needed.

I fell apart the last time I had to deal with this guy. I wouldn't do it again. I would be strong, or at least act like it.


I really wanted to skip school. I mean, with....him still hanging around, I didn't want to take any chances. But I did. And I went Thursday, too; patiently waiting to go to band practice. I was really psyched about the gig, but that phone call ruined everything. I was still going to do it, but with a very watchful eye. However, I walked through school with my head held high and Greta and Lily by my side the entire day ( and Isabelle, too, but only because she was with Greta).

My day was going fairly well before someone caught my arm. It was the end of the school day, Greta and Lily had gone home. They had offered me a ride, but I had brought my own car and I had to be slow in getting my stuff around. So, like an idiot, I told them to go home after me.

There were a few people in the parking lot, maybe two other cars besides mine. Just as well, I nearly screamed when I felt my arm being grabbed. I spun around, ready to swing at the person and then settled, only slightly, when I realized it was Damon.

I let my breath come out in a whoosh. "Damon, my God, there's a better way to get someone's attention---"

"Are you okay?"

I paused, startled. For the first time, I looked at Damon. His eyes were narrowed, like he was angry, but they were also full of....concern....I blinked, confused. Now why would he care? And how would he know that I wasn't okay? I had tried so hard to put on an emotionless mask....I must have faltered somewhere along the road.

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