Chapter 40: I Will Say I Love You

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"Oh the truth hurts, and lies worse. How can I give you anymore? When I love you a little less than before."

Lily closed my iTunes window. "Hey!" I protested, sitting up on the couch I was sleeping on. I turned on my laptop and put on some music to wallow in my own self-pity.

"Oh, knock it off," she scolded. "You don't love him any less than you did before, okay? You freaking lunatic."

"I'm not a lunatic." I whined, throwing the blanket over my head. It was Saturday—the day the band had a gig and I had to let them down—and I just wanted to be left alone.

"Yes—you are." Lily threw the covers off my head. I pulled them back up. "Ugh! Fine!" Lily turned to my laptop.

"What're you doing?" I asked her, peeping from the blanket.

"If you're going to listen to music—Miss Self-Righteous—listen to this." Lily clicked on a song loudly and Things I'll Never Say by Avril Lavigne came on.

I groaned loudly. "Shut up, Lily! Just stay out of it!"

There was a loud yawn. "What're you guys arguing about?" Someone opened the refrigerator.

"Quick—Olivia, beat her over the head!" I said, sitting up.

Holding the gallon of milk in confusion, Olivia asked, "With what?"

"The milk! I don't care; just knock her out!"

"Well..." Olivia took a step forward.

"Olivia don't you dare!" Lily shrieked.

"Get her!" I yelled while leaping off the couch and tackling Lily.

"Ow—you idiot!—Get. Off. Of. Me!" Lily yelled angrily.

"Get her, Olivia!" I laughed, tickling Lily.

She was struggling not to laugh. "Haha—stop it—aahhaha!—Elizabeth, stop—bwahahaha!—ELIZABETH!"

"What's going on?" Uncle Brian called from my room. He had taken my bed and Olivia had voluntarily taken the air mattress.

We all stood up, like innocent children sneaking cookies from the cookie jar. "Nothing."

Uncle Brian stared at us suspiciously before disappearing into the kitchen preparing breakfast.

We all smiled at each other, smothering the giggles that were ready to erupt from our mouths.

I collapsed on the floor, laughing when I heard Can I Have This Dance by Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron. I frowned at my laptop screen. When did that get on there? I glared at Lily. She gave me a guilty smile. Then I laughed, rolling my eyes. There was a part of me, with the exception of loathing Vanessa Hudgens' voice, that liked the song. Zac Efron had a very sexy voice. Maybe I could trade my boyfriend for him...Surely Vanessa would want Damon? After all, every girl did.

But I was just angry because I wasn't sure that he loved me and now I was in too deep. I grinned evilly and took out my phone to change my voicemail. "What're you doing?" Lily asked warily.

I winked. "Just see." I brought the phone to my mouth and said, "Hey, you've reached Elizabeth Ashwern. Sorry I can't take your call right now, I'm too busy trying to get my boyfriend to say he loves me. Leave a brief message and I'll try calling you back! No promises!"

"Rachel!" Uncle Brian scolded. Oops. Forgot he was in the kitchen. "You can't just do that! It's deceitful!"

"How is it deceitful?" I asked with a laugh.

"You can't force him into saying something." He added. "Give him some time. How long have you been going out? Four weeks?"

My mouth dropped. "Try four months!"

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