Chapter 16: Tomorrow

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"So, what're we doing?" I asked.

Damon gave me a devilish grin. "There's this nightclub I'd like to introduce you to. Have you ever heard of Forsaken Soul?"

"Yes!" I tried containing my excited squeal. "I just bought their album, Crystal Death. Jackson Wilder is so...." Well, I was going to say hot but since I was on a date, I figured it was a little inappropriate. "He has an amazing voice," I decided.

Damon had a secret smile. Okay, so sometimes I was a bad liar. But he didn't say anything about me thinking the lead singer to a band was hot. "They're performing at the nightclub."

"You're kidding?!" This time I did squeal. I could have totally hugged Damon right then. "That's amazing!!!! When do we get there?"

"Actually," Damon made a right turn. "We're here." He parked in front of a building that had several neon lights outside of it.

"Wow," I unbuckled my seatbelt. Before I could touch the handle, Damon was outside and holding the door open for me.

"I'm still a gentleman about a few things, you know," he said after reading my shocked expression.

"Hmm," was all I managed out.

We walked toward the building in silence. I could feel the vibrations of the music pounding away inside on the ground. When we went inside, Forsaken Soul was jamming on a guitar solo and I started shaking like a kid on Christmas day.

"Damon, oh my God!" I screamed above the music.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I figured you'd be like this."

I turned to him, my eyes sparkling with excitement. "How did you know?"

He raised a brow. "What am I knowing?"

"How did you know this was my favourite band?"

"It isn't."

"Yeah, you're favourite band is Seether."

"How'd you---"

"And you're also a hard core Bowie fan."

I blinked. "Wait a minute....did you see my t-shirt?"

Damon laughed. He had an amazing laugh when he wasn't putting on a show. "Oh, God, there's a shirt?" He laughed again. "I'm not stupid, Liz. I asked Lily."

My mouth dropped. "You. Asked. Lily. For date. Advice?"

"Not date advice! Whether or not you like Forsaken Soul."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Well, I love it!"

He smirked. "I can tell."

It wasn't entirely fair, actually. He was totally taking advantage of my enthusiasm for being at a Forsaken Soul concert. Right then, though, I really could care less.

I smiled brightly at the lead singer and electric guitarist. Jackson Wilder. His hair---normally the same, shaggy style but always a quantity of colours---was jet black and in his crystal blue eyes. The entire band was gorgeous, but none compared to Jackson Wilder. Wow, I'm a bad dater. I'm scanning on another guy on my first date. Sorry, Damon. But I had had eyes for Jackson for a while now.

I laughed and gave Damon an apologetic smile. He rolled his eyes and led me toward the bar. "What do you want to drink?"

I remembered the last time I had a drink---it had gotten me here, on a date with Damon, the very person I hated the most. What would happen this time, I wondered? But, then again, I had had a lot of drinks....But then there was the embarrassment of a fruity girl drink. Martini, margarita, apple martini....Or maybe I should stay legal today....Ugh, I hate dates!

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