Chapter 25: Ferris Wheel

Start from the beginning

"Who the hell is that?" Damon half laughed.

"The hell Ashley," I said. To the band, I said, "gimme a sec guys, it's my boyfriend."

Benjamin and Abby gushed, excusing me; Ethan and Ashley rolled their eyes. I grinned blissfully, never getting tired of announcing Damon as my boyfriend. I went out of the garage for further privacy, mainly because I knew Abby and Benjamin would hang on every word I said.

"So what's up?"

"Ah, nothin'. Elena and Stefan want to go on a double date tonight," Damon groaned.

"Yeah, about that....we'd actually sorta planned that a few days ago, but....I forgot to mention it," I said awkwardly. "I'm sure Elena hates me. I'm not very good at making friends with people....that are new...." I had almost said 'People like her and Stefan' but I figured that would rouse something. After all, Elena had been in love with Damon---even if, perhaps, she wasn't quite over him---so I didn't want to hurt his feelings by saying Elena wasn't really the kind of girl I'd be friends with. Who knew? Things could change.

"It's fine. I told 'um it was up to you." Was it my imagination or was there a pleading in Damon's voice? A pleading that obviously meant he did not want to go.

I grinned deviously. "Oh, sure, I'd love to go!"

There was a groan and then a, "You hate me."

I giggled. "No, I don't, I---"

"ELIZABETH, ARE YOU GONNA TAKE FOREVER?!" Ashley groaned into the mic.

I laughed. "Hey, Damon? I gotta go. What time do they wanna go?"

"Didn't really plan on remembering," he moaned.

"Well, you can pick me up at six. See ya!"


"So what do I wear for a double date?"

"Nothing fancy."

"What're you wearing?" I had no pride whatsoever. I called Elena up as soon as I got home, in a crisis of what to wear.

Elena laughed softly. "Jeans and a long-sleeved shirt."

"And you'll look flawless," I scoffed. Sighing, I said, "Well, alright. Guess I better look pretty for my fella."

"Alright. I'll let you get to your beautification."

"See ya!"

In the end, I wore a jean mini skirt with leggings, my awesome knee-high converse, and a magenta and black plaid button down shirt, only buttoned halfway up and my sleeves rolled. I did little about my makeup but I severely wished I could pull my hair back into a ponytail. Alas, it was too short. I clipped half of it back, though. It made me look a little girly, but I didn't care. It was okay to look girly once in a while, after all.

Damon was knocking on my door not long after I was done getting ready. Grabbing a set of keys and my bag, I ran to the front door. Damon looked me up and down with a wide smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Nothing, just....where did you get those ridiculous shoes?" He said full of amusement.

"You're just jealous that your fat foot won't fit into them. C'mon."

Damon kept up the playful argument in the car. I had to really defend my shoes; he was ruthless! By the time we reached the fair grounds---who the hell sets up a fair in the winter?---Damon had me halfway convinced I looked like a clown. He must have seen the unsure look on my face as we approached Stefan and Elena, because he put his arm around me and said before kissing my check, "I'm just kidding. You look great, babe."

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