i. four friends and a fire.

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"Thanks for watching Guppy for me," Gibby smiled gratefully as he took your hand.

"No problem, it'll be fun," you smiled back and squeezed his'. "You have fun too, okay?"

"Of course," he nodded and kissed your forehead. "I'll see you later."

"See you."

"Take care!"

"You too!"

Gibby waved at you, and you do the same. When he was out of sight, you closed the door and walk to where Guppy was sitting.

"Hey, buddy."

He looked up at you and stuck out a fry up at your face. "French fries?"

"Yes, please," you grinned, and he handed you the fry. "Thanks."

He nodded his head and gave you a little smile before shifting his focus to his pearpad.

"Oooh, what are you watching there?"

"This!" he giggled and showed you a video of six people in a food costume singing about... Food.

"Yummy, yummy, in my tummy!"

"What a cute little song," you chuckled before you noticed. "Oh hey, that girl looks like Shelby Marx!"

Guppy nodded mindlessly; the seven singers had his full attention.

"Enjoy the song while I watch your brother on iCarly, okay? You can join me if you want to," you said as you walk to your computer.

Guppy immediately turned off his pearphone and ran towards you.

"Gibby! Gibby!" he chanted his brother's name.

"You really want to see him, huh?" you giggled seeing his behavior.

Guppy nodded rapidly; his hands grabbing your arm and shaking it, begging for you to click on their live stream.

"Okay, okay. We will see him."

You've left your computer at the iCarly website so you just needed to click a button to watch their live stream.

When you clicked the button, Sam and Carly immediately appear on the screen, cracking jokes and acting silly.

"Alright, alright," Sam said after her laughter died down.

Carly nodded and talked after her. "We were told to reuse, reduce and recycle! So, we came up with something we'd like to present to you..."

Carly and Sam air-drummed for a while.

"'Earth's Superhero!" the two cheered and a big text popped up on the screen.

Gibby showed up on the screen. He was wearing an armor made of plastic. No, not the one you see on TVs, literally an armor made of plastic. Like plastic, plastic bags.

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