ix. sleepover.

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"And we're clear," Freddie gave Carly and Sam a thumbs up after shutting his camera off and finishing the iCarly live stream of this week.

"We did a great job," Carly smiled.

"You bet," Sam grinned as she reached for her water bottle. She chugged half of the water in there. After drinking, she set down the water bottle near Carly's pearphone, which just rang.

"Who is it?"

"Y/n," Sam read the contact name before tossing the pearphone to the brunette chick.

Carly immediately caught it and answered the phone call.

"Hey, Y/n!"

"Hey, Carly! I saw you on iCarly earlier. You were great."

"Aw, thanks," Carly beamed. "What's up?"

"I have great news!"

"Oooh, what is it?"

"Dad let me stay at your house for a couple of days!"

"No way!" Carly exclaimed. "I'm so excited to meet you!"

"Me too!" you squealed. "Alright, I'm gonna pack my bags now. I'll be there next week."

"See you!" Carly replied before hanging up.

Freddie's and Sam's eyes were on her.

"So?" Sam hopefully asked.

"Why are you so excited?" Freddie questioned.

"Y/n!" Carly exclaimed in joy. "Y/n's is coming over!"

"Seriously?" Sam jumped in excitement. "No way!"

Carly laughed and imitated Sam's jump. "Yes, way!"

Freddie gave the girls a strange facial expression, "Um, who's Y/n?"

"You seriously don't know who she is?" Sam glared at him, slightly annoyed. "Just when I thought your life couldn't be more pathetic."

"Sam, don't be so harsh! Of course, he doesn't know Y/n, they never met," Carly scolded the blonde before turning to Freddie. "Freddie, Y/n is my cousin."

"Y/n is the cool cousin," Sam added. "Unlike the Dorfmans."

"Normally, I would protest because what you said is very rude," Carly sighed. "But I agree with you. Y/n is really cool. You'll like her."

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