Chapter 4

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Makayla was in her room reading. When Bella came in. She looked up and sighed. "You scared the crap out of me when you took of to save Edward" Makayla said. "I'm sorry dad is mad but I'm not grounded." Bella said. Makayla nodded. "But I need you to do me a favor and come with me to the Cullen house" Bella said. Makayla nodded.
Makayla outfit

After Makayla got changed she and Bella got in her truck

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After Makayla got changed she and Bella got in her truck. They drove to the Cullen house. As soon as they got there they went inside. The Cullen's were gathered around. "Guys this is my sister Makayla. Kayla these are The Cullen's" Bella said. Makayla smiled and waved. "I'm Edward Cullen" Edward said. "So your the famous Cullen boy my sister has got the hots for" Makayla said. Edward chuckled. "I'm Alice and this is my mate Jasper" Alice said. Jasper could control his hunger around Makayla due to her being a werewolf. "I'm Carlisle this is my wife Esme" Carlisle said. Makayla smiled at them. "I'm Rosalie and this is my mate Emmett" Rosalie said. "I feel like we are gonna get along with Makayla just fine" Edward said. Makayla smiled. "You have a beautiful home Mr. and Mrs. Cullen" Makayla said. "Please call us Carlisle and Esme" Esme said. Makayla nodded. "I love your fashion sense" Alice said. "Thank you Bella likes being basic while I like to be more fashionable" Makayla said. "Alright the reason why I brought you here Makayla is because I need your opinion on becoming one of the Cullen's" Bella said. Makayla knew this was why she was brought here. "I already have their I need yours" Bella said. Makayla thought about it before she made her decision. "Bell you know I love you and all but no. I'm sorry that's not the answer you wanted but I can't let you go yet" Makayla said. Bella smiled at he sister. "It's okay." Bella said hugging Makayla. The Cullen's could see the strong bond between them. They were stuck together like glue and it's impossible to separate them. But since so many people voted for Bella to be turned the decision was final. As soon as Edward, Bella, and Makayla got home Makayla went to the pack house. As soon as she walked in the pack looked at her with anger. "What" Makayla asked. "Why were you at the Cullen house" Sam asked standing next to Emily who has her arms crossed. "Bella wanted me to meet them" Makayla said. "You are not allowed to go back" Jacob said. "And who are you to tell me what I can and can't do" Makayla asked getting really annoyed. "We're your imprints" Paul said. Makayla scoffed. "Wow your using the imprint as a way to get me to listen to you." Makayla said. "It's the only way you will listen and stay away from The Cullen's" Embry said. "Well then let me make myself clear here. I am not apart of this pack. Your not my parents and you sure as hell aren't my friends." Makayla said. The pack eyes widened. "We're your imprints whether you like it or not" Sam said. "Well then I don't like it. And I don't want to be" Makayla said then walked out of Sam and Emily house. She felt like she accomplished something. Like something inside her finally snapped and she felt weight leave her shoulders. Meanwhile the pack was frozen in shock. They did not believe what they heard. Makayla didn't want to be their imprint anymore." I think we pushed this too far" Emily said. The pack nodded." Did we lose our imprint" Quill asked. They looked at each other. Makayla walked inside her house. She saw Bella and Edward sitting on the couch. Edward looked at Makayla and read her mind." I'm sorry Makayla" Edward said. Bella looked confused." The pack and Makayla got into a disagreement. When Makayla went to our house the pack got furious. And it cause Makayla to leave upset" Edward said." I'm sorry Kayla" Bella said." it's okay" Makayla said sitting on one of the couches." how about tomorrow you two hang out and get to know about each other more. I am going to stay here until you two come back" Bella said." up to you Eddie" Makayla said. Edward chuckled and nodded." alright" Edward said. They set up with plane for Makayla and Edward to hang out.
~The next morning~
Makayla woke up to a few texts from the pack. She ignored them. She needed time to think about everything. Makayla went to get ready. They weren't going anywhere fancy. She got ready into a more appropriate outfit.
Makayla outfit

Once Makayla finished getting ready she went and waited for Edward who was already there

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Once Makayla finished getting ready she went and waited for Edward who was already there. "Ready" Edward said. Makayla nodded. "Have fun" Bella said. Makayla and Edward walked out to Edward car and drove to the diner for breakfast and were then going to the mall later. They walked into the diner where Sue Clearwater worked. Makayla and Edward got a table to sit at. They ordered their food. "Okay so do you like me with your sister" Edward asked. "Yeah I mean I know other people aren't but I think you two are perfect together." Makayla said. As Sue was working the front counter she saw Edward and Makayla together. She called the pack to come to the diner and watch. As soon as the pack walked in they see Makayla and Edward together. They were eating and laughing and talking. They moved to a table near them. "The pack is here aren't they" Makayla asked in a quiet voice for only Edward to hear. Edward nodded. "Ignore them" Makayla said. "Okay so my parents got tickets for me, you and your sister to go visit your mother" Edward said. The pack listened closely. "That's sounds fun." Makayla said. "Do you want to go" Edward asked. "Yeah. Just tell me when and what time" Makayla said. "I was thinking in two days in the morning at like 8:00" Edward said. "Works for me" Makayla said. They finished eating and paid for their meal. As they walked outside the pack followed. "Makayla" Makayla hear her name. She turned to see the pack. "Why are you with him. We thought we told you to stay away from him" Jacob said. "You get out of here and stay away from her leach" Paul said. Edward didn't want to start something and went to the car. "What is wrong with you all" Makayla said. "We're trying to protect you" Sam said. "I don't want or need your protection. I don't want anything to do with any of you right now. I hate you" Makayla said and walked to Edward car and got in and they do the to the mall. Makayla was fed up with the pack. She understood their worries but it was too much and it made her feel trapped. Makayla and Edward spent the rest of the day laughing and talking and hanging out before heading home. Makayla knew she said somethings wrong to the pack but she was fed up with how they were acting. So she focused on herself, Bella and Edward leaving to Florida to visit Bella and Makayla mother and step father.

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