Things that Happen

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The first few weeks in my new school were really crazy. Though, it was a good thing Minho and I took the same classes to make each other feel more comfortable with the atmosphere we're trying to get used to. Minho and I would grab lunch together, grab dinner together and go home together. Once and a while, we would take a simple night off and watch movies together or drink coffee and just talk about how our own day went. Our lives seemed normal. I was normal. Everything went on according to my plan.

One night, I was doing my report on American History when Min Hee sent me a text through Viber. I took my eyes off the screen of my computer and took my phone in my hands and read her message.



"Are you forgetting something?" she asked me

"Not that I know of . . . what is it?"

"The thing about me and Donghae . . . :)"

I smiled, "Ohh! Yeah, yeah! How are you guys?"

"OMG! I asked him about that yesterday . . . and you know what he told me?"

"What?" Gosh, she's been hiding that thing for what, four months now?

"He likes me back!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! I can't believe this!!!!! You have to come home soon!!! Please?"

"Okay, okay, I'll be home for Christmas and New Year's Eve, okay?"

"YES!!!!!! By the way . . . I have something to tell you"


"Kyuhyun . . . "

"What about him?" my heart started pounding like crazy

"He's . . . "

"He's what?"

Suddenly, Minho knocks, "Min Ri?" he calls

I look up, "Yes?"

"Catherine and Eric are here" he smiled, "Are you ready?" he asked

I looked down at my phone and there was no time for me to reply. I sighed and took my jacket from my bed and I head out of my room. Catherine and Eric were the first of he very few people Minho and I made friends with when we landed in Washington. They were a couple for about eight years now and their just waiting for their college year to end before they get married and start a family. They were a little over two years older than Minho and I. We met them during our lunch break at Washington University, where the college buildings were quite near the high school building. Catherine became a really good friend of mine. I was good with picking clothes but she was better. She taught me a lot of things that I didn't know. She taught me recipes for pasta and pastries. She taught me how to clean the house better and do the laundry and ironing properly. We grew closer and closer as the months passed and as we grew closer, she couldn't help but ask what I had with Minho. I told her that we were just friends and that was it and nothing more. Minho was special but he was not as special as Kyuhyun was to me. I had to admit, from time to time, I would think about Kyuhyun but I would quickly shake it off and get back to studying.

"Hey!" I smiled at the couple

"Hey, Max!" Max was my English name, which I find really really cool to hear

"So, where to tonight?"

"Movies?" Catherine suggested

I nodded, "Dinner first?" I smiled

"Elliot and I were planning on watching a soccer game . . . with you guys" Eric said, looking at Minho who's English name was Elliot

I looked at Catherine who's eyes spoke irritation, "What? Another soccer game? Eric, you know I don't like soccer games" Catherine and Eric were about to argue. Minho and I knew it by the looks of it.

"Come on, Catherine! It's just one time" Eric pleaded

Catherine turned her back on her boyfriend and opened the door of our apartment, "I want to watch a movie with Max and Elliot tonight" she shouted

Eric sighed and looked at Minho, "I can't believe this! I spent a hundred and seventy-five dollars on these tickets and now, she doesn't want to watch!" he was irritated and he followed Catherine out the door, "Catherine!" he called

Minho and I looked at each other and then we laughed. For the past four months and a half, Minho and I were their witness when they fought over the most ridiculous things. They fought over pasta, what movie to watch, what wine to drink, what time they would meet up and they even fought about what cheese to use for lasagna!

"So, are we still going out with them?" he asked

I smiled, "We've seen worse anyway" I shrugged and we went out the apartment and we headed to the elevator. As we waited for the elevator car to arrive, he turned to me.

"Did we . . . ever fight like that?" he asked

I smiled, "I don't think we ever did" I shook my head

He chuckles, "Do you remember when we were in Junior high and that guy confessed to you?" he reminded me

I laughed, "Oh yeah! And when you found out, you kicked his ass behind the school library!"

He laughed then the elevator car arrived and we stepped in, "Just so you know . . . I hated that guy" he said

"You hate every guy that gets near me" I reasoned out

"I couldn't help it!" he said

"You were so protective back then"

"I still am . . ." he looks at me

His face was serious and his eye were sincere. My breath quickened and my heart pounded like crazy. He swallowed and so did I. My eyes were glued to his and his face leaned closer to mine. Out noses touched and he was dangerously close.

"Minho . . ." I pulled away from him

His jaw hardens, "Please" he whispered

I shake my head, "I'm sorry. I can't" and suddenly, the elevator door open and I quickly walk out. See Catherine and Eric talking calmly again. I quickly run towards them and they turn their attention to me.

"You guys . . . good?" I asked

Eric sighed, "Let's go watch a movie" Eric went out of the reception area and walked towards his car that was parked up front.

"Where's Elliot?"

I sucked in a breath, "Oh . . . he's right behind me" I smiled

"Oh . . .Okay"

"Hey" Minho pops up

"Let's go'? Catherine pulled my writs and we rode the car

The movie ended and thank God it ended soon. I couldn't move properly when Minho was near me. I couldn't even look at him without the pace of my breathe increasing. I couldn't even hear my own thoughts when I would see him. I quickly bid my goodbye to Catherine and Eric and I rode the elevator, not even waiting up for Minho. I unlocked the apartment door and fired up my computer. My phone started vibrating, a received a text thorough Viber from Min Hee.

"Kyuhyun . . . he's getting married"


Ouch! Pain, pain, pain :(( Poor Min Ri :(


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