Stealing Moments

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There was shuffling in my room and when I opened my eyes, I saw Kyuhyun fixing my things and going through my drawers. I slowly sat up and looked at him as he was too busy to notice me.

"Didn't your mother tell you its impolite to go through other people's stuff?" I ask, amused

He looked at me, "Didn't your mother tell you to fix your things?" he jokes

"I don't think she ever did" I joke

He chuckles and finishes fixing my drawer, "How are you feeling?" he asks

"I feel like shit" I lean my head on his shoulder

"Language please" he warns

I laugh, "Sorry"

"Here" he hands me a pill

I take it and gulp it down with water, "Thanks" I say, "How long was I asleep?" I ask

He stands and looks down at me, "About four or five hours" he says "I have to go . . . your friends will be here soon" he says

He turns his back on me and heads for the door, "Kyu" I call

He turns to look at me and I jump on him. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I lean towards his lips and kiss him. My sliding in his mouth as he gasped in shock. I licked every corner of his mouth and tasted him. My teeth grazed on his lip and I would constantly suck on his bottom lip. He smiled against my kiss and I pulled away.

"Thank you" I whispered by his ear

"Pleasure" he says and places a kiss on my forehead and steps out of my room

I smile to myself and bite my bottom lip. I felt butterflies in my stomach and everything seems so right when I know it seems so wrong. There was this side of me that wanted wanted to jump and feel happy but there was also this side that wanted to scream and cry. I was the worst girlfriend in this world. I was cheating on my boyfriend for someone I just met a few days ago. I sat on my bed, thinking and reminisce the moments I was happy with Minho. I knew I was wrong for cheating on him and the blame was all on me. I love Minho, I really do. He was all that I've ever wanted in my life and everything seemed fine between me and him. Then. Kyuhyun comes and there was this pull that made me consider this 'thing' that we have.

"Min Ri?" someone calls over the door

I stand, "Just a minute" I say

I open the door, "Minho!"I say with a smile

"Babe . . . I need to talk to you" he says

I nod, "Okay"

He takes my hand in his. We head for the elevator and as the elevator arrives, the door opens, revealing Ae Cha and Taemin. Ae Cha looks at me, "Minho, have told Min Ri the news yet?" she asks

Minho pulls me inside the elevator, "What news?" I ask

Ae Cha presses the button to the lobby, "See for yourself" she says

"Taemin, what is this all about?" I ask

He looks at me, "Min Ri,I think it would be better if Minho explained it" he looks at Minho

We arrive at the lobby and I see Mr. Han and Minho's mom waiting for him. She looks up from her phone and she smiles at her son and me. I smile back. Mrs. Choi was one of those bust but young looking women in the city. She had great taste when it came to clothing and it was something I greatly admired about her. As I see her, she was wearing and LBD with three inch black pumps. She was so slim at the age of forty-five and technically, she doesn't look like she's in her fifties.

"Min Ri! oh dear, how nice to see you again!" she greets with a kiss on my cheek

"Good evening, Mrs. Choi" I greet her

"Min Ri, dear, mind if I borrow my son for my fashion week? I need him to support me there" she smiles at me

Minho looks down at me and I look up at him, "Sure. No problem" I say

"What!?" Minho asks

"Come on, your mom need you there" I say

"Good! Minho, pack your things and we're leaving" her mom says and walks out of the hotel

Mr. Han bows at us, "Young Master. Ms. Lee" he greets

"Mr. Han" I bow

"Young Master, where shall we collect your things?" Mr. Han asks

"No need. I'll be down soon" he says

Minho and I ride the elevator up to our floor. I help him pack his thingas and as we do, we had built an awkward atmosphere for the both of us.

"Babe" he touches my hand

"Minho . . . I know what you're going to say . . . It's fine. Okay? Your mom need you and maybe this is the right time for you to bond with her" I say and continue to pack his things

"Babe, I don't want o leave you like this" he says

"Minho, you just have to. You have to leave me." I say with all honesty

"I'll be back soon, okay?" he says, "Babe, I promise I'll be back for you. We're finishing our studies together and we're going to get married" he cups my face in his hands and he promises me. I look up at him and smile. His promises were everything to me . . . it used to be. I know Minho deserves someone better than me. I know he does. He leans down and gives me a kiss that will mark the start of his promise. The promise that I, myself will break as soon as he finds out the truth. I kiss him back with my arms wrapped around his neck as I pull him closer.

"Come on, you wouldn't want your mom to wait" I smile and we take his luggage down to the lobby

I watch as Minho's car drive away to the airport. I was standing there, waving good bye. Then, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Kyuhyun smiling down at me.

"He'll come back for you" he says

"He will. He promised" I say

"When are you going to tell him?" he asks

"Soon, but not now" I say

"Min Ri, I can't wait forever" Kyuhyun spoke

"I know" I say

Later, we all went for dinner. When I saw the gang sitting in a table for nine, I felt that Minho wasn't there anymore. I new his presence made me feel more comfortable around anybody. I know Kyuhyun has replaced Minho, but Minho and I go way, way back. Knowing our bond, we can't just break that.

"Hey, want to come over at my place tonight?" Kim asks

I shake my head and I think my fever just came back, "I need to go" I say

I ride the elevator up to my floor and I went inside my room. I laid on my bed and I cried. I was so confused and all these emotions just washed over me like a big wave. I love Minho so much and I can't keep on lying to him like this. Minho has never lied to ma about anything. Now, here I am and not only am I lying, I was cheating on him. Again, there was this side of me that wanted Minho by my side and the other, wanted Kyuhyun to be by my side. I don't why I feel this way. I don't how Kyuhyun managed to make me fall for him just by looking at me. Confusion was the only thing I was sure about. I can't hurt Minho. I have to tell him. My head started throbbing and it hurt, but not as much as it pains me to cheat on Minho.


Hey guys! :)) How was it? Very intriguing, right? :) It's very confusing to choose between your happiness and the satisfaction of the other.


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