When The Rain Starts Pouring

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I didn't sleep last night. Literally, I couldn't. Minho and Mr. Cho flooded my mind and how they had that heated gaze on each other. And now, here I am, looking like a zombie as I walk to the breakfast hall. I see the hall already filled up with students and as always, they're busy with their own business. I see the table for eight. Min Hee, Kim, Key, Taemin, Jonghyun and Onew were already seated and the only people who were missing were me and Minho. I walk closer to the table and they stop their conversation and look at me with frightened eyes.

"You look like shit" Min Hee says

I took the vacant seat beside her, "This is Minho's fault" I point out. I open my mouth and I wanted to ask them where he was but I quickly shut it.

"He's still in his room" Key says, ad if reading my mind

"I don't care" I say and stand to get tea

I was lined up and my eyes quickly find Mr. Cho sitting in along with the other teachers. His side profile was really good, sharp nose and plump lips suit him. He laughs as a teacher makes a joke and he glances to his side, finding me looking and observing him. I quickly look away and take the pot of tea and pour some in my cup. I quickly sit back at the table.

As I come back, I sit and they start talking about the activities for the day, "So, Mr. Choi said we're going to some park here in Japan" Kim starts saying as she scans the pamphlet given to us

"Which park?" Minho suddenly sits beside me and I continue to ignore him. The table quiets down and Minho looks at me as I drink my tea

"Min Ri" he takes a hold of my hand

"What?" I say with gritted teeth

"Let's talk, please" he begs

I look at him in the eyes and touch his hand, "No!" I quickly say and then I stand to leave the table

I walk back to the room and take the elevator. As I wait, I see a tall figure appear through my peripherals, "Minho! Will you please just stay away from me?" I say without looking at him and he walks closer to me.

"Please, let me explain"

"That girl clinging onto you is enough explanation" I say

He holds my wrist, "Really? Then what does that tell you?!" he raises his voice

"YOU'RE A BIG ASS FLIRT!" I say and the elevator doors open and I ride in with Minho following me

"Min Ri, I was not flirting! She was asking me to take photos for her editor's note for the school magazine" he explained

"Does she really need to cling onto you? What, is that the new way of saying thank you?" I shook my head

"She was just happy that I agreed to do it" he added

I turn and look at him, "So, if I cling onto Mr. Cho because he agreed to do something for me and I was sooooooooo happy, you'd be okay with that?" I ask

He looks down out me with his nose flaring up and he doesn't respond, "Thought so" I say

The elevator car stops and we get out, since he's in the same floor with me and his room was in front of mine, I had no other choice but to share the hallway with him. I open the door to my room and he opens his. I enter the room and take a nice long shower then, get ready for the day.

Packing my notebook, pen, iPod, sketch pad, camera and phone in my bag, I hear the door knob twist, revealing my roommate.

"Hey!" she greets with that smile

"Hey" I smile at her and I suddenly remember what Kim told me yesterday, "Min Ra?" I call her as she sits on her bed

"Yes?" she looks at me

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