When In Japan

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I slept at Minho's place the night before our flight. We went there with his car and it was driven by Mr. Gu. Walking hand in hand in the airport, we saw the gang in a circle and talking.

"There they are!" Jonghyun smiled and waved at us

"Gosh! What took you guys so long?" Min Hee approached me

"Heavy traffic" I spoke

Suddenly, Mr. Choi emerged from the crowed of students. He had a clip board in his hand and he started calling names by section. After the attendance check, we all boarded the plane. The whole batch occupied one whole air bus. I sat by the window and next to Minho. The plane took flight after about forty-five minutes of warming up its engines.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we will be serving dinner shortly. Please align your seats properly for the comfort of everyone on board. Thank you and good evening" the flight attendant announced.

"Babe?" Minho called me


"What would you like to eat for dinner?" he asked as he looked at the menu

"I'll have whatever you're having" I smile at him

Minho waved at the flight attendant and asked for two glasses of wine and two plates of chicken with mashed potatoes.

Mr. Kim Ryeowook clears his throat, "Mr. Choi, you're not allowed to drink" he scolds

"Yes, sir" Minho had his fists clenched

The flight attendant is back with two empty glasses and a bottle of wine. She smiles at Minho and me but Mr. Kim quickly takes the bottle from her, "I'll take that, Ms. Thank you" he smiled at the attendant.

Minho huffed and looked straight ahead. I rubbed his shoulder to calm him down and he looked down at me with a smile. When our dinner arrived, we ate in silence. As for the other students, they made jokes that made the whole plane laugh. To our surprise, the teachers also laughed along with us and they also made jokes that made us laugh.

A little over a few hours later, we landed in Japan and everyone was excited to take pictures. As for Minho and I, we were excited to go to our hotel to get some rest. We didn't get any since the whole trip was a major laugh trip. No one slept nor kept quiet.

Mr. Park Leeteuk was the one who assisted us. He arranged us by class and then divided each class into two groups, one group for boy and the other one for girls. Each class would have at least two teachers assisting them.

"Okay! Section 1: Mr. Lee Donghae and Choi Siwon" Mr. Leeteuk spoke, "Section 2: Mr. Kim Ryeowook and Mr. Kim Yesung. Section 3: Mr. Zhou Mi and Kim Heechul. Section 4: Mr. Cho Kyuhyun and I, myself. Section 5: Mr. Kangin and Mr. Shindong. Section 6: Mr. Lee Sungmin and Mr. Hangeng. Section 7: Mr. Kibum and Mr. Lee Hyukjae. We will be your supervising instructors for the whole trip, so please make it easy for us" Mr. Leeteuk spoke

"Section 1 will occupy the thirteenth floor. Section 2 will occupy the fifteenth floor. Section 3 will occupy the seventeenth floor. Section 4 will occupy the twentieth floor. Section 5 will occupy the twenty-second floor. Section 6 will occupy the twenty-fourth floor and section 7 will occupy the twenty-fifth floor. Your assigned supervising teachers will hand keys to your room later. Get some rest everyone. We have a long day ahead of us" Mr. Choi said

Minho and I walked in the far end of the class with Mr. Cho behind us. We walked towards the elevator and we waited. Min Hee was part of section two so she was ahead of me while Kimberly was part of section six so she was behind me. Minho and I were part of section four so we were up next in waiting by the elevator.

"Mr. Choi, would you please give your girlfriend some space?" Mr. Cho asked

Minho and I turned to face him, "Excuse me?" Minho asked

"I said give your girlfriend some space. She's been by your side since we landed" Mr. Cho huffed

I looked at Minho and he looked down at me. He released his arm over my shoulder and planted his hands on either side of his pocket.

"Better?" Minho asked sarcastically

"Much. No PDAs here please, Mr. Choi" Mr. Cho warned

The elevator car arrived and we rode it up to our level. We were all given instructions and of course, boys were separated from girls. Good thing Minho's room was just across mine.

"No boys allowed in the girls' room. You got that? Or else we'd be sending you back to Korea. Everyone sleeps at twelve midnight. In cases of emergencies, do not hesitate to knock on our door. Mr. Cho's room will be at the end of the girls' rooms and my room would be at the end of the boys' room, any more questions?" Mr. Park asked and looked over at us

Since no one answered, we were all divided into two's and given a key to a room. My room was the last one before Mr. Cho's and I love my roommate at this point.

"Min Ra!" I called her

"You're my roommate?" she asked happily

"Yup!" we hugged and jumped in joy

"I was so worried I'd be roomies with those low lives!" she heaved a sigh

"Me too. Come on, let's go check our room" I pulled her down the hall

I unlocked the door and it revealed the most amazing interior I've ever seen in my life. Leather and wood were mixed well like peanut butter and jelly in a sandwich. Both modern and traditional were made of perfect blending, a mixture of black and white as colour for the furniture. LCD T.V. in front of two master sized beds, a view of Tokyo by the window and two big shower heads in two separate cubicles.

"This. Is. Amazing." Min Ra spoke

"I know, right?" I agreed with amazement

There was a knock on our door and our luggage has just arrived. The bellboy took our things inside and greeted us to enjoy our short stay. Min Ra and I decided to unpack our things before we head down to the pool area for a swim since it was already six in the morning, we decided to stretch out a little.

"Hey, what do you think of Mr. Kim?" Min Ra asked

"Which one?" I asked, knowing there was more than one Mr. Kim

"The one who teaches Home Eco" she spoke, blushing

"You like him?" I asked

"No! Not ... really"

"So why bother asking of what I think of him if you don't like him?" I asked

"Fine. I do like him"

"Thought so. Well, in an honest opinion, he's good at teaching Home Eco. Knowing that subject was usually handled by a female teacher, I would give him two thumbs up with his teaching skills" I spoke

"I know right? Plus, he's really approachable" Min Ra added

"Haha! You're totally into him, aren't you? Anyway he's just what, a little over eleven years older than you?" I asked


"Age doesn't matter anyway. So, you go girl!" I cheered

"Aren't you attracted to any of them?" she asked

I laughed, "Actually, I'm attracted to all of them but, you know I have a boyfriend, right?"

"What if one them likes you? I mean, you're really pretty"

I smiled, "Like I said, I have a boyfriend"

"So, if you were somehow, 'available', you'd consider?" she raised a brow

I gave her a death glare and she flashed me a cheeky smile, "Will you please go and change into your bathing suit?"

She flashed another smile and she ran towards the bathroom. Before closing the door, she peeked up again, "What if?" then she slammed the door closed.

After swimming that morning, Min Ra and I headed to the breakfast hall. We were allowed to sit with our friends during meals. We just had to make sure that we'd go back to our respective section in our respective floors and room.

He's My TeacherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ