Welcome × Home!

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To say Kurapika was excited would be an understatement.

He was ecstatic.

His finger tapped anxiously on the wheel, beating to the rhythm of the Christmas carol playing on the radio. When did he suddenly like Jingle Bell Rock? 

The Kurta looked around the area he was currently driving in, watching the Christmas lights flash colors matching this holiday. It was kinda epileptic, but he shouldn't judge; Leorio's home was, most likely, thirty times worse.

He couldn't help but look over in the other seat; looking at the sleek, black box that contained a gift for his wonderful boyfriend sitting there.

He smiled.

"Turn right on to North Oak Boulevard, take a left and you will arrive at your destination."

"Almost there..!" 

With adrenaline pumping into his veins, he stepped harder onto the gas

He, of course, followed the GPS to a tee, and pulled into the colorful house that he knew as Leorio's.

He put the car into park, grabbed the sleek black box; and walked towards the house door.

Taking a deep breath, he lifted up his hand…





Kurapika smiled. He hasn't heard that voice in a while.

The door swung open; and there, stood the familiar ravenette he knew and loved.

Leorio's face instantly lit up.

"Kurapika! You really came!" The doctor scooped the Kurta into a tight hug, chocolate eyes leaking tears of joy.

Kurapika smiled, and hugged his lover back. "It's so good to see you again, Leorio." He muttered happily, shoving his face deep into Leorio's chest.

He felt so much joy in that moment. How long has it been since he hugged Leorio?

At this thought, he also began to cry.

The two stayed in their embrace for a while, feeling comfortable in each other's arms.

Though, it eventually had to come to an end.

"Leorio?! Is Kurapika There?!" The shouting from Killua could be heard from the other side of the door.

The two pulled away, and chuckled simultaneously. "Yeah! He's here!" Leorio shouted back to the older Zoldyck. Leorio, like the gentleman he is, held the door open for his smaller spouse. "Right this way, guest of honor." He teased. 

The Kurta snorted at this, and walked through the doorway.

Right away, Kurapika noticed the nicely decorated home.

Garland and lights wrapped themselves all around the house; flashing red and green to give the home that festive feel. 

A Christmas tree stood tall in the center of the room; decorated with white, red, and green decor. 

A table covered in foods of all different types and flavors, so many deserts…

And in front of him, stood five familiar faces. 

"Kurapika! Your back!" Gon jumped up from his spot on the floor, and ran towards the Kurta standing there before them.

"Kurapika!" A familiar albino Zoldyck came dashing towards the blond as well, dropping his box of Chocolate robots in the process; they spilt everywhere. He isn't gonna be happy about that later...

With arms wide, younger males gave the blond a welcoming hug. Naturally, the Kurta hugged back.

"It's good to see you two as well." Kurapika smiled at the younger boys. 

Wait, did they get taller?

The trio pulled away from their embrace; and the two boys, infact, got taller. They were older.

He felt himself start to cry again. He should have come back sooner…

There was a silence for a moment, but it was thankfully broken by Bisky.

"Stop crying! It's just these two idiots!" She began, "I understand Leorio, but these two?"

"You don't have any room to talk, Bisky." Kite pointed out, "You cried when we left for Greed Island."

"Yeah! Don't be mean to big brother!" Alluka butted in.

Bisky defended herself, "This has nothing to do with me!"

Kurapika couldn't help but chuckle at their statements; he missed these idiots, alot.

"It's good to see you too." He joked, grinning at the group before him.

Kite was the only one to respond, Bisky was too busy fighting with Alluka. "It's great to see you, Kurapika." He flushed, "I apologise for… these two."

"These two?! You talking about me!?" Bisky argued, "You say it like I'm a nuisance!"

"Please don't fight!" Alluka cried, "Mister Pika just came back!" 

The blond smiled at the younger Zoldyck. Despite being raised by assassins, she's quite polite. 

Leorio, despite enjoying the scene in front of him, knew it had to end eventually. The food was going to get cold soon.

Leorio spoke over the loud chatter ,"Okay okay! Play times over! I'm sure Kurapika is hungry."

Kurapika nodded.

"Yes, I'm quite parched from traveling…"

Killua groaned. "Please, just say thirsty." He begged.

Bisky snickered. "Parched."

"Stop!" Killua groaned loudly. 

"Okay children, take a seat before the turkey gets cold." Leorio shouted once again over the group.

Kurapika × Is × Home (A Hunter x Hunter Christmas fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt