𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿

869 32 14

Of course you were getting too comfortable, after everything you still allowed Gojou to ease you into his palm of his hand.

You got too comfortable with going on missions with Yuuji and Gojou, Your strength improved so much and unlike Yuuji--Akeji was somewhat manageable sometimes but they still had moments you couldn't control. This made you able to leave the house without Gojou's protection so you and Yuuji somewhat felt like normal people again. Even though you were in your mid 20's you felt good hanging out with Yuuji.

It's been a month since the trip preparations and the departure date was tomorrow. You were on the couch with Gojou watching a movie in the basement, It was after training and he felt bad for working you so hard. You were under his arm it couldn't feel any safer in this position. Slowly slipping under his control day by day he easily became your favorite person. Both of you guys did random acts of kindness for each other but you still didn't trust him. You occasionally would stay home from missions and would prepare dinner for him, you took extra steps to see him smile.

The Jujutsu tech started to send you alerts to your phone within the month because of earned trust. During the movie Gojous phone vibrated followed by yours.



You started to read the message explaining that a bodies were discovered in a movie theater at kinema cinema. Disfigured corpses were found by the staff.

You knew this would be for you because you had great crowd control. You analyzed the message along with Gojou he showed you the message and spoke

"You see how they died? This is alarming but you're still coming with me but the trip ends early for you because i'll send you back home early." You nodded but showed visible sadness.

"Let's just finish the movie, we can't do anything tonight let's enjoy it while we can." You fell asleep right in his arms. Your dreams were more pleasant when you felt his embrace while you were in your state of vulnerable sleep. Slowly you began to drift off not paying any attention to the movie anymore, you were now upset you couldn't spend a whole month with Gojou. You thought of it as a vacation but he reminded you it was extensive training somewhere private so it would only be you two.

Suddenly a hand was on the side of your face, this woke you up but not by much. Gojou stroked the side of your face he had his glasses off so you could see the worry in his eyes as he looked down at you. Should I ask him what's wrong you thought, but it would ruin the moment as a conflicting view. He got closer to you but still stroked your face, you were scared because he seemed emotionless all in the same description.

"You're hiding something from me?" He whispered in your ear. This completely woke you up because now you were confirmed nervous and scared.

"I'm not Satoru, I don't have any past life you know I have nothing to hide." You looked up at him you were now on your back facing up.

"Whatever remember you started this." He pushed you off him and adjusted himself to go upstairs "I'm going to sleep goodnight."

You decided not to follow suit, you fell asleep on the couch because you didn't want to stir up any more tension. It was hard for you to sleep thinking of the last words Gojou said to you on departure. You knew you would be tired in the morning, You got the flight time pushed back to go check out the kinema cinema scene before leaving.

The next morning you felt grouchy and groggy because you didn't have proper sleep, your mind did backflips all night because you wondered what made Gojou say that to you. Scared to face him you got up earlier than him and decided to catch the train to the Kinema Cinema area hours before anyone to get breakfast and see if you could scan outside for clues left behind. It felt good to take a walk by yourself, the Cinema was not too far from your old house do you decided to drop in but before you could Yuuji called you.

"GOOD MORNING! Are you still coming to check out the movies with me today?" You explained to him that you were already there waiting for them.

"Ohhh I'll be on my way then!" He hung up in a hurry. You looked at your phone every 10 minutes to see: How long it took Yuuji and if Gojou would text you.

Yuuji arrived with someone on the side of him, he walked with a powerful but stern stride. Both you and Yuuji gave each other the usual running hug to display how much you desperately cared for each other. You looked at the tall figure before you properly introduce yourself

"No need to introduce yourself, Satoru already gave me quiet the run down on you." he pulled a note from his pocket "He also asked me to make sure you received this letter this morning."

Yuuji looked at you "This is Kento Nanami and He's a 1st Grade sorcerer at Jujutsu Tech!"

Uninterested you started reading the letter:

Gooooooodmooornninggg escapee :D

You should know our plane is leaving around 2:30 so make it back here at 2:00 and call me when you get this or text. Also you drank the last juice we had, so you're buying more when you get back.

P.S I'm writing this while im upside down just thought I should let you know that.

P.S.S: Bye my escapeee

You folded the letter back up and placed it in your uniform before entering the movie theater with the two men. It didn't take long to notice Nanami was very stern about his way of operations, he was a buzzkill to be around and you wanted to finish this job quickly.

Nanami and you shared many opinions that stirred up tension but it look you less than 25 minutes to finish the examination before you pulled Yuuji to the side.

"You know I'm leaving for the next two weeks with Gojou-Sensei? I'll be back to help with this case if its not solved by two weeks okay?" You put a hand on his shoulder. This would be the longest time away form Yuuji in years, you guys were always around each other.

"Yuuji Itadori, Your mission from me Is to be safe when I get back so we can go to the Boba shop when I get back!"

"Well you're the one going to a private bootcamp, you should be safer than me. Call me every night so I know he didn't kill you off." He pushed you "Go ahead before he leaves you."

You ran off waving at him on your way to Gojous house before 2:00.

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