𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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When you got up that morning Gojou wasn't next to you, but his spot was still warm--you could see the print from his body. You got up to do your usual stretch before walking in the bathroom without knocking. Flinging open Gojou was standing there nude. Your field of vision instantly dropped, You were speechless because this confirmed how much he had in length.

"It's huge." You covered your mouth because it was Akeji that spoke it wasn't you because you had more self control when it came to Gojou. Akeji was right this time his dick was huge, Since it was early in the morning it was hard so you both stood there with nothing to say. But you took time to watch his dick twitch up and down in amusement not paying mind to him at all. It was so big he couldn't even cover it with his hands, he didn't try either. You didn't move your eyes from looking directly at his dick, even when he covered himself with a towel you still looked because the print was almost embroidered in the towel.

"Good Morning..um Sensei I was just coming to clean up for the day." You looked back up at him.

"Oh, Im Sensei today huh?"

He stood there expressionless but gave you a humbled laugh "Thanks for the compliment, I hope you didn't forget out errands today" You looked over to see a new uniform was hung over the door waiting for you. Your last uniform got ruined when you went to go fight the special grade with Yuuji that day. Deciding not to thank you because you didn't want to give in just yet to the sly man, Wanting to balance out being rude and being submissive to him. He took the initiative you didn't want to talk this morning and closed the door back in your face.

Deep down inside you were still upset about last night but appreciative of who ever called him at the night hour because you didn't know how you would ease the tension after what happened. You were embarrassed that you never had any experience with this before. Truly it was your attitude made you unapproachable in the past you were introverted but still was told many times about your terrible attitude.

You grabbed your neck where he touched you last, It felt sore you didn't comprehend how hard he grabbed you in the moment.

"I guess he really is the strongest" You opened his fridge which was now your fridge as well to see if his lonely singles home had adequate breakfast for you.

"I'm glad you recognize it now, I was worried you thought of me as some mediocre beginner in my expertise'' Gojou was standing behind you with his full uniform on as usual.

Before you knew it you started to speak at him again "Why don't I see your eyes? They're beautiful I found myself getting lost in them too many times already." Akeji started talking for you, this was not your words--After the whole not too submissive peptalk you gave yourself in your head. The words poured out your mouth you had no control of the flowing words. "I get lost in a lot of things around you, but I seem to find it hard you won't let me immerse myself completely in your aura."

"Anyways we're going to meet someone veryyy special today so I want you to be on your best behavior and maybe we can get ice cream after." Gojou started looking in the cabinets for breakfast and ignored you.

"Hey?! Are you even listening to me?" You shadowed him around the kitchen in efforts to get his attention again.

Gojou snapped his finger at you.

"I have an idea, You close your eyes and I'll take you to the place we're going consider it a friendship surprise." Gojou looked so innocent when he spoke but sometimes you worried whose side he was on, he was sour and sweet. You had thoughts, But too much of him was dangerous for yourself because you were never exposed to such an environment before.

You went to go put your uniform on so you didn't have to listen to him ramble, Gojous words were well spoken it was like a pre-spun spiderweb always ready to trap someone. He analyzed everyone and everything around him, You felt the encasement around him sometimes. You decided not to excuse yourself you just walked away to the bathroom.

After you spent some time getting ready you were in front of him ready to leave, it was quite hot around this time so you kept your jacket unzipped to not sweat everywhere.

"Right, so close your eyes and trust me. We can warp there on the count of ten." He held up his ten fingers.

You closed your eyes and began to question him "The last time you asked me to look at stars I woke up in an unfamiliar room, My trust is on thin ice with you Gojou Satoru"

"Well we're here now but keep your eyes closed." You felt his hand grab your wrist and you walked in a north direction he warned you of steps and anything that would make you trip.

You heard a sliding door open and Gojou speak "Principal Yaga won't be coming for awhile, They sent me and my lovely assistant." You didn't want to blush at bottom barrel appraisement but any compliment coming from him made you feel warm inside.

You opened your eyes to see a scary looking old man looking at you. "Yuck"

He looked at you and so did Gojou "What did I say about behavior?" Gojou thumped your forehead hard.

"Ouch, Sorry.." You looked over to the right of the room.

The girl standing by the door was looking at you sitting next to Gojou so hard your neck burned. Well enough you took an educated guess she admired the strongest man, but seen you instead. It felt good to make someone jealous you thought, She couldn't do anything to make herself special to Gojou unless she ate a finger in which you knew she wouldn't do in a million years.

Or you strongly hoped this wasn't going to be the case.

"So this must be Akeji's Vessel, SO now we have Sakuna and Akeji?" The man stroked his beard and looked at you with determination to get you to speak up about something you didn't know what it was.

"And did they agree to the terms or did you force them Satoru?" He looked over at Gojou

"Well my charm was too-" He cut Gojou off telling him not to speak he wanted to hear your own testimonial and they will determine the fate from there. Gojou looked irritated with the man after he interrupted him and sat back folding his arms.

"This was my own will, It's the least I can do for coming across the curse. I am ready to put my life on the line for honor this code." You spoke with moxie to gain the trust of him considering he seemed like an important person.

After a couple more minutes of talking they wrapped up the meeting and Gojou sent you on his way while he handled person business for an upcoming trip you guys were planning to take together.

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