𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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 You didn't know what time it was but you were scared to open your eyes after you noticed you were in a well lit room. You didn't want to alert people you were alive or woke, you thought you could be in danger. Opening one eye you seen a huge moon like light that beamed on you, It took moments for it to click before you jumped up hastily. 

Looking around trying to comprehend why you were looking at silver like boxes until you looked over to your left to see Yuujis body laying next to you on the other table. You tapped him telling him to get up 

"Yuuji hey wake up it's time for school, you're gonna be late." Rubbing your eyes you yawned and looked in the opposite direction seeing Gojou and others staring at you. 

Everything came rushing back to you again as the reminiscence gave you an overwhelming feeling of regret. I forgot, you died back there Itadori Yuuji you said out loud.

"They knew that this mission would be extremely too difficult, looks like some sabotaging plan in my eyes." Gojou spoke to the man in the suit. "Look at my student over there grieving and the other dead."

You got up off the table and placed your feet on the cold floor realizing that you had on a hospital gown and not your uniform, it also wasn't tied properly in the back leaving your bare backside showing to Gojou and the rest.

"Nobody expected such a high special grade!" The man in the suit spoke sheeply with no confidence to Gojou

"Finding someone to blame is a pain to me, nevermind I spoke about it." Gojou placed his hands on the table telling you to come sit next to him.

"Maybe I should just..Kill all the higher ups" This time Gojou looked pissed, you never seen him this mad although yes you just met him. You quickly went over to sit next to him not wanting to anger him anymore. The door opened again and heels walked through, they greeting her by Leiri.

"Your usually not this emotional Gojou, Looks like to me you care about them both." She started twirling her hair in a flirty way which pissed you off. Gojou looked over at you seeing you had distance between you too from his murderous remark.

"I'm a good teacher who's always cared about my students but I got my purple Jogging suit dirty with blood and mud now." You gave him your apologies for that remembering how you latched onto him with all of your dirt rubbing off on him. 

Leiri started to look at Yuuji's body now, she turned around looking at Gojou "I can cut into this body how I want correct?" Before you knew it you got up and ended up on the other side of the table. She looked at you covered still in mud, grass, blood, and dried tears before she rolled her eyes at you.

"Gojou would you mind helping me out? If they don't move we won't be able to cut him and remove the fingers." You pushed the table away from her and more towards you once you realized it had wheels.

"That won't be necessary because I'm taking him back with me so he can be buried with his family, I'm prepared to spend my whole life looking for those fingers in Yuujis place." You leaned over his hollow body putting your hand where his heart used to be at while you sank you head down into the empty cavity to loudly sob.

"You know I have a bad personality, I'm not too cut out to be a teacher." Gojou attempted to cut the awkward tension with a rude remark towards himself "I know" The man next to him spoke, Ijichi was quite timid and cowardly in your eyes so the fact he spoke so bravely to Gojou make you chuckle through all the tears you covered Yuuji in.

"Do you know why I decided to teach at this school?" There was silence again with your sniffles heard before Gojou continued to speak "Ask me, go ahead ask Ijichi." You laid there on Yuuji listening to the conversation go back in forth "Why did You?" It was now Ijichi's turn to speak. You listened to Gojou speak very passionately about his dream to purify the world of Jujutsu society. His voice melted into your ears serving as a calming mechanism for you, He was naturally smooth with his words every word melted off his tongue and simmered into your ears so you began to relax more on Yuuji. One sentence resinated in your head after and after he said it 

"Its tough love I follow." You could hear him smiling as he said that it made you feel good to see he wasn't in a serious mood anymore.

Leiri interrupted them before they got any further to place the attention back on her dilemma with you guarding his body "So when I can do my job without interruptions?"  You gave her a muffled attitude snapping back at her "What can you not comprehend Doctor, All that school for nothing? You're not taking him."

 "Hey you know your deadweight is kind of heavy for someone who doesn't have the heart to lift it?" You looked over to see Yuuji had his head slightly tilted up at you talking. Gojou and Ijichi looked pale in the face seeing that Yuuji had risen from the dead but you didnt care you took the time to fully embrace him sitting on his lap not minding he was naked. "How safe is this considering Akeji and Sukuna are this close? But I kind of made a deal with him so I should be okay for now."  You looked at him blushing realizing how lewd it looked for you to be caressing him naked so you got up to go sit back next to Gojou. He grabbed your hand as it rested on the table and gave it a hard squeeze.

"Welcome back Itadori" Gojou smiled at him and got up to excuse himself with Leiri, You got up too but he pushed you back down to sit and called for Ijichi to stand guard outside.

𝚂𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚒 [Gojo Satoru X Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora