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Hi! This is my first time writing a book! I would also like to mention that English is not my first language, so there will be a lot of spelling and grammar errors. Please point them out and I will edit them.

I do not own any of J.K Rowling's characters or her wizard world! The story might not be completely accurate with the storyline.
Sweden: 30th of December 1926:

The Forrest stood quiet, with only the occasional bird chirps disturbing its slumber. The threes were wearing a soft crown of white, puffy snow, and the sun had long since set, leaving only a faint pink sprinkle in the sky.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps accompanied with high-pitched groans of pains echoed throughout the forest. Viola tried her best to ignore the pain consuming her body and kept running towards the house where she knew she could get help. Where her child could get help.

She deeply regretted her decision of running away from her father. Nothing was worth risking her child's life. If only her father had not forbidden her from seeing the only man she ever loved. If only he had seen how happy that man was making her, despite not being magical like them.

She had been sure that she could make it on her own, and as soon as their child was born she was going to tell him and they would run away together. They would find someplace where her father could not control her, and her choices.

Viola's legs stopped moving just as the house became visible. She felt her knees giving in and bending beneath her weight. "No no no, please" she whispered, as tears started running down her cheeks. Her stomach was cramping constantly, sending a fire of pain up her spine. She could feel herself slowly losing consciousness, as the cold from the snow crept all over her body.

The sight of the house reminded her of the last time she saw it, roughly nine months ago. Just as she found out she was bearing his child, afraid of what her father would do to her if he found out. It all seemed so stupid now. Her father, although being a very strict man, would never hurt his own family.  The little cottage she had found, near a creek in the forest, had been like a dream during summer, and even during fall. The winter, however, had been ruthless and unforgiving.

She cursed herself under her breath, for being so careless.  Apparating near the forest edge had taken most of her energy, especially considering she was in labor.

She brought her right hand to her stomach, closed her eyes, and held her wand towards the sky. With her last breath and the image of the man she loved holding their beautiful child in her mind, she whispered "Expectro Patronum". Silverstrings started to appear from the tip of her wand, forming a flock of butterflies gracefully flying towards the house, bearing her message. She felt her body going limp, with only the pain reminding her that she was still alive.  Soon, she felt one last cramp spreading across her entire body, but had no strength left to even open her eyes. She just listened, trying to hear any sound at all indicating her child's wellbeing.

The last thing she heard was the desperate cry of a newborn child alongside a Man's voice screaming her name. She smiled, her eyes still closed "We made it love, you're safe now" she tried to whisper, but it became more of a sigh. Then she relaxed and let the darkness consume her.


Author's note:

Super depressing introduction, I know! But I promise that this story will be much more cheerful in future chapters!

- Naomi

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