Chapter 3- The common room

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As the hat finally said "Ah, I know exactly where to put you", Ari's eyes met the dark eyes that she had seen earlier that day. Tom stared back at her, neither one of them breaking eye contact before the Hat continued talking.

"Ravenclaw" People from the table wearing the blue robes stood up and started clapping. Ari's eyes broke the contact with Tom's and med Stella's.

Stella smiled widely and reassuringly. Ari could not help but answer the smile. She took a seat beside Stella who patted her on her back.

"I'm really thankful to know someone in my house" Ari told Stella, whose smile widened. They heard someone clearing their throat across from them, and Ari turned her head to look at the other people surrounding her.

"Hi, I'm Jack Lewis" A blond guy with dimples who sat directly in front of Ari said, extending his hand towards her.

Ari smiled at the guy and took his hand. "Ari" she said. His smile faded a bit as he stared at her. She looked down at her hand, which he was still grasping, and carefully pulled at it.

He slightly jumped, his cheeks turning red. Ari cursed her veela charm in her head and met Stella's eyes. She looked amused.

"Hello" The redhead girl that sat beside Ari, opposite side as Stella, said. "I'm Elizabeth" Ari was about to extend her hand towards the girl when she was caught up in a hug. "Oh" she said involuntarily.

"I'm Frank" A boy with dark skin and very short hair said. Ari just raised her hand towards him, feeling a little overwhelmed by meeting all the new people.

As Dipped had finished his speech, a variety of dished appeared on the table in front of them. At this state, Ari was impressed enough to forget that she was supposed to dislike Hogwarts.


After they had finished dining, Ari and Stella followed Frank, who apparently was the Ravenclaw prefect, towards the Ravenclaw common room.

The common room was located on the west side of the castle on top of a spiral staircase that started on the fifth floor. On top of the stair stood a door decorated with a bronze eagle as a knocker instead of a doorknob. 'The animal associated with Ravenclaw is an eagle' Ari recalled.

They entered a circular room, with gracefully arched windows and walls decorated with blue and bronze silk. The ceiling was filled with realistically painted stars, on top of a midnight blue base that matched the carpet covering most of the floor. Straight ahead of them stood a half-circle-formed bookcase, with a marble statue in front of it.

"the boy's dorm is to the right, and the girls to the left" Frank said while pointing towards two doors on either side of the room

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"the boy's dorm is to the right, and the girls to the left" Frank said while pointing towards two doors on either side of the room.

"Who is that" Ari whispered to Stella, referring to the marble statue. "That's Rowena Ravenclaw" Stella answered. "the founder of Ravenclaw". Ari nodded.

Stella led Ari towards the girl's dorm, and they entered a room with four beds. "Oh my" said Stella as she gestured towards a bed with a Ravenclaw robe neatly folded on top of it. "It was so long ago since we came here, I had forgotten about how our things just appeared here, and this time, even an extra bed have appeared".

Ari was visually relieved to share a room with Stella. At least someone she kind of knew was there, instead of only unknown girls.

A moment later, the red head from before, Elizabeth, walked into the room alongside a girl with black hair and glasses.

"Ari" Elizabeth burst out and hugged her once again. "Are we going to be roommates?" "I suppose so?" Ari answered, a little uncomfortable with the hugging.

"This is Helen, she also shares this room" Stella explained and gestured towards the black-haired girl. Helen raised her hand in an awkward greeting, and Ari immediately liked her.

Ari turned towards her bed and picked up the dark blue, black, and bronze robe which was lying there. As she did, a piece of paper fell to the floor. Her timetable.

She read it carefully. 'Arithmancy, Transfiguration, care of magical creatures, potions, charmed, DADA..' She read the timetable carefully and furrowed her brows.

"There is no dueling class? Or Dark arts?" She said confused, still reading her timetable. Since no one responded she raised her gaze and saw that all three girls were watching her with big eyes. Seriously, what was with everybody and their staring today.

"You were not kidding when you said that you had a lot of dueling at Durmstrang" Stella said, as Elizabeth took a step towards Ari, who responded by taking a step backward.

"You had Dark arts, as in learning dark magic, as a subject?!" Elizabeth squeaked, sounding somewhat similar to a certain Hufflepuff.

"Yeah?" Ari responded, but it sounded more like a question. "That's so cool, you must teach us!" Elizabeth said exitetly. "Liza, you know that's not allowed at Hogwarts." Helen spoke, for the first time.

Elizabeth looked puzzled for a moment, before signing in defeat. "yeah, yeah, you're right"

Ari joined Elizabeth sighing and sat down at her bed. No dueling class? No dark art? What type of school was this, a wizard pre-school?

The girls chatted a bit more before they tuned of their light and laid down. Ari felt both exhausted and alert, trying to process all the impressions from the day. The last thought before drifting off to sleep was of the dark, mysterious eyes that had met her's twice that day.



In my opinion, the Ravenclaw common room is the coolest. which house are you in?

What classes do you think Ari will have on her first official day? And will any of them be together with a certain handsome Slytherin?

- Naomi

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