Chapter 27

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[ A/N: SSA = Secret Service Agent ]

It was around 5pm when we arrived at the Christmas party. There are over 50 guests here and they are not wearing any masks. We can't believe that they think that the Coronavirus is a hoax. As we walk into the party Charlie puts on their noise cancelling headphones as we are walking in. 

Barron: Let's just hope that my dad doesn't see any of you.

Barron say full of hope.

Melania made her way to Donald so they can greet the guests together.

Donny Jr: Sooo Barron invited friends?

Donny Jr asks Melania.

Melania: Uhh, yeah.

Eric: I've never seen them.

Eric says.

Melania: Most of his friends are not on the soccer team you know!

Melania says to the two boys before walking away.

Barron: Let's get some food.

Barron says to the whole group.

Once they get their food they sit down at the table. They start to eat their food at the same time. There are many people at the party drinking, dancing, talking, laughing, smiling, eating, standing, walking, taking pictures, making videos, and having a good time while Christmas music is heard in the background.

SSA 1: It's a good thing that there are 50+ guests here. I'm pretty sure the president won't see you guys.

He says.

SSA 2: Just pray that we don't get fired.

He says.

Ash: And what if he does notice us?

Ash asks.

SSA 2: We are forced to escort you out.

He says.

Ash: Okay

Ash says.

SSA 1 and 2 walk away from the group.

Barron: This party lasts more than three hours, let's have some fun!

Barron says to the others.


We all agree.

After sitting at the fancy table to eat for about 15 minutes we go to the photo-booth and take 10-15 pictures. Barron then gives us a tour of the White House which took like a whole hour since it is enormous. 

~ Party ~

Donald: Where is our son?

Donald asks Melania.

Melania: umm

She says as she looks around.

Melania: Not sure.

she says.

Donald: If you don't find him within 5 minutes, I will go look for him myself!

He says sternly.

SSA 1 and 2: Okay Mr. President.

They say before leaving.

~ Barron's Bedroom ~

SSA 1: Barron!

He says frantically.

Barron: What is it?

Barron asks.

SSA 2: Your father wants to see you.

SSA 1: He said "If you don't find him within 5 minutes, I will go look for him myself"

He says.

Barron: Ugh! it takes like 10 minutes to get to my bedroom!

Barron complains.

Kennedy: He is probably looking for you right now

Kennedy says.

Barron: Hide in my closet, it's 20ft long!

Barron says.

Y/n: 20ft?!

Y/n exclaims.

Barron: Yes

He says as they hide in the closet.

SSA 1:  He is walking this way!

He says.

Barron: ugh!

Barron complains.

Donald walks into the room.

Donald: There you are, I haven't seen you in weeks!

Donald says.

Barron: Yeah

Barron says.

Donald: Instead of being in your bedroom like you always do, go to the party.

Donald says.

Barron: Okay, fine.

Barron says.

Suddenly there is a small noise coming from the closet.

Donald: What was that?

Donald questions.

Barron: N-nothing!

Barron says as he watches his dad walk towards the closet.

Barron: Oh no!

Barron says to himself.

Donald puts his hand on the doorknob then turns it...

[ Written by @Had0ukenn] 

[ A/N - Ooooh, a cliff hanger! ]

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