Part 15

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Charlie pov

I woke up and checked the time 4:30  I then walked to the kitchen to see Yn/ who looks like she had been up all night.

Y/n pov

"Oh, hey Charlie," I said as I saw charlie approach me holding Jasper

"Hello Y/n " Charlie replied quietly with a horse voice

"Are you sick?" I asked

Charlie looked down at the cat in their arms for a bit before looking back up at me to say "No I'm fine"

We then heard someone walking up behind us which made Charlie jump 

"Hey it's okay it's just me," Ash said reaching out to Charlie

"Why are you up?" Charlie asked 

"Why are You up," Ash said back which made Charlie nod then sit down

Shortly after Ash walked in Kennedy walked in as well, "Good morning you three" Kennedy said which made Charlie glare at her, I was confused but Kennedy seemed to understand "Oh, yes... good morning you Four" I then realized Kennedy had left out Jasper in the good morning thing.

Kennedy pov

"So, Charlie what do you wanna do for breakfast?" I asked 

Charlie stared at their hands for a bit and said "I wanna make myself avocado toast and you all eggs"

"Okay," I said 

not too long after our conversation, Charlie laid their head down on the counter waiting for the others,  and then Julian walked in and ruffled Charlie's already messy hair causing them to sit up and smack his hand.

"Goodmorning," he said as Charlie laid their head back down.

Soon after Barron joined us and then Noah, "Goodmorning everyone" Barron said while Noah just walked over and sat down in a chair.

Charlie then shot up from their chair, place the cat on the table, and ran out to the kitchen to make breakfast

Julian pov

I watched as Jasper curled into a ball on the table and Kennedy got up laughing and going to the kitchen to help Charlie with breakfast 

"So, how is everyone?" Barron asked 

"I'm doing great" Y/n smiled at him

feeling like I was the third wheel I decided "I think I'm going to help the other two in the kitchen"

I walked into the kitchen to see Charlie smashing avocados while Kennedy was making eggs.

I then walked over to help Kennedy with the eggs.

Y/n pov

I looked over at Jasper who was calmly lying on the table "Charlie's good with cats" 

Barron replied "Yeah"

 Barron looked half asleep so we just waited until the food was done.

Charlie pov

After breakfast, we all walked to the living room and just laid there and talked for a while unsure of what to do.

Kennedy pov

Charlie seemed to be deep in thought before quietly saying "Noah, do you wanna play Minecraft"

Noah nodded and they started playing Minecraft on the screen in the living room.

Charlie was then about to blow an area of flowers up with TNT before Noah walked over and broke the TNT.

I then watched as Charlie turned to Noah and said "If you stop me from blowing up things one more time I'm going to drop kick you and eat your hands"

Noah then apologized and they went back to playing the game as we were all left confused.

Noah then apologized and they went back to playing the game as we were all left confused

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[ Written by CCATBOYKENMA ]

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