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Your Pov

I woke up and decided to walk downstairs, Charlie would've normally sent Felix to wake me up by now... weird...

I walk downstairs and the only people there are Ash and Barron who were eating cereal at the kitchen table

"Where are the others?" I asked

"I know most of them are sleeping, not too sure about Kennedy and Charlie though," Ash replied

"I'm gonna go check on them," I said before turning around and heading up the stairs

Kennedy Pov

"I have a horrible headache probably caught something," I thought before hearing some knocks on the door.

"come in..." I said, my voice sounds horrible

"You okay?" Y/n said walking into my room

"Yeah, I probably have a cold or something, ill be fine. wheres Charlie?" I asked slowly sitting up

"If you are sick they probably are too, they haven't left their room," Y/n replied drifting off into thought about halfway through

"Check on them and then let them sleep until they come down," I said 

"Okay will do," Y/n said before walking away

I fell back asleep


I dunno what to write sorry

Written by  @2Bee_OrNot2Bee        

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