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Requested by: AlexWolf531


"AJGHS—", I tripped over the sidewalk while walking with Denki and Mina, "Anyway, so how did Bakugou even agree to this?", Mina asked, while carrying the cookies I had made.

"Oh, he didn't.", I said with a smirk.

"(Y/n) you are so dead when he sees you.", Denki nudged my side while carrying some gifts in a bag we'd bought beforehand.

"Oneesan isn't going to be like our parents.", Fuji said, being carried by me on my shoulders, making the three of us wheeze.

If you didn't know already, we were going to Bakugou's house to celebrate Christmas. He didn't agree to this but I could care less.


Arriving I smiled, jumping a bit in happiness.

Fuji and I were wearing matching Grinch onesies. Mina was wearing the iconic seggcy Ms. Claus outfit (with the hat). Denki had on an elf costume he was supposed to wear with Sero.

"WE ARE HERE GANG!", I said while busting down the door with a firework grenade I took out of my inventory.

"Yeah, we're here!", Fuji said, smiling proudly.

"WhAT THE FAWK DID YOU DO TO MY DOOR?", Bakugou rushed up to us, glaring at me. I shrugged and walked in, Denki and Mina following, "Nothing, see?", he looked back at the door and it was perfectly fine.

"But you—"

"Whatever man, we all accuse someone for something they didn't do.", I patted his shoulder, dropping Fuji onto the couch.

"Fuji, do you remember what I said before we left?", he nodded.

"Don't be a pussy and snatch that candy from a stranger if it's good. But never talk to a guy who has licorice. Also, DON'T EAT THE COOKIES.", we said in sync, high fiving.

"Woah, (Y/n), I didn't know you had a kid!", Sero arrived to the party while carrying some drinks in his elf costume. He put the drinks down and went over to Fuji.

"You think I can have a kid when I can't even make an egg?", I said baffled, "Well you're completely right. This is my brother, Fuji."

"Hi, do you have candy?", I left Fuji and Sero alone while walking over to the cookie tray I made, seeing everyone is already here.

"YO! WHO WANTS COOKIES?", I shouted while Midoriya, Todoroki, Mina, Denki, Kirishima, Momo, and a bunch of others came up and grabbed some.

I smirked, 'fools don't even know what I put in them..!'. I chuckled lowly and took a few for myself.

Kirishima had been talking with Bakugou, Sero and Denki are talking with Shinsou [my baddie bsf talking to people :')]

All of the girls were talking on the couch, Iida and Midoriya were joking with Todoroki, and everyone else was doing something.

I finished the last cookie on the tray, opening the other 10 trays I made.

I couldn't quite figure out what I was doing but I was doing something.

I swiped it away messily as I sat in between Tsu and Uraraka. I smiled gingerly and quickly got up laughing, "Who wants to play Truth or Dare?"


There all of class 1-A sat, in a circle with a glass coke bottle in front of them.

Mina spinner it as it landed on Midoriya, great start.

"Truth or Dare?", she asked, a bit devilish.

He stuttered, he was the amazing Rudolf as Iida and Todoroki were matching as the other reindeer. Uraraka was Santa, iconic.

(Midoriya kins Rudolf, change my mind.)

"Uh- T-Truth..!", Mina laughed, "Is it true you were quirkless at one point and then All Might gave you his quirk for pity, while training (Y/n) found out you—"

"HEY HEY HEY! NO NEED TO SPOIL THE PLOT FOR MY GAMER WIFE/HUSBAND!", I said motioning towards the screen you are currently reading this on.


"FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!", the shouts of class 1-A and Shinsou were heard as me and Bakugou stood across from each other.

Well, sadly, Truth or Dare ended up with Denki Daring me to kiss Bakugou. I did and now here we are, about to fight with no quirks. Y'know like street fights you see on Instagram.

Kirishima held Fuji on his shoulders, letting Fuji record on my phone.

"You'll fucking die for kissing me!", he said, blush on both of his cheeks.

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'm not trying to follow my parent's path.", I said sarcastically, stretching.

Denki shouted, counting down as Bakugou and I got into fighting postings, "5, 4, 3, 2, ...1, GO!"

I ran up to Bakugou and juked him by going for a right hook, but actually swung under his legs. He tripped and I got on top of him, holding his hands down with one hand and began to punch him with my dominant hand.

"YEAH YOU GET IT GIRL!", Mina said, recording too.

"FUCK YEAH, GET HIM BITCH. FUCK HIS ASS UP.", Midoriya chimed in too, wow.

Bakugou used his legs to push me away and lifted me up, going to slam me agaisnt the ground. But as I was about to hit the concrete, (yes we were outside) I used my legs to land and flipped him over.

He let put a grunt but got up quickly. He went in for a left hook but I dodged. Again, I swept under his feet but he didn't fall, only lose his balance.

He hit me in the cheek, making me spit out blood and a tooth. I grimaced and ran up to him fast, lifting his shirt above his head.

As he was distracted, I yanked on his hair and dragged him to the floor, stomping on his stomach once, and hitting his balls one. I then grabbed a bat and broke his ankles.

"You're now the Yoonbum to my Sangwoo, Katsuki."

And that's how I turned to ashes while Bakugou got hit by a car.

The End!


yeah i know its lazy but whatever, idc :)


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