part 28

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after the pictures y/n went and sat down recording him playing he scored a lot for his team and they won but kobe got into a fight with this guy a few seconds after the buzzer went off so the coaches broke it up then took the teams to the locker rooms talking to them once they finished talking y/n jogged down the stairs and the others walked behind her and kobe talking to each other while kobe wasn't speaking so him and y/n walked to the car in complete silence once they got inside the car they drove to waffle house and they all sat down at the table talking once their waiter came she took their order then walked off it was a good thirty minutes and kobe still hasn't spoke so she got up grabbing his hand and walking outside with him while the group was being nosey and watching

Y: what's your problem kobe
Kobe: that guy is my fucking problem because of him i'm benched for the next two games
Y: ok and it's not like you're kicked off
Kobe: that doesn't matter y/n basketball is my breath of fresh air if i don't have that what do i have
Y: me and your friends
Kobe: sure like that matters
Y: what the fuck dude why are you being so rude towards me i didn't do shit to you and now you're standing here basically telling me that i don't count as someone you have that matters to you
Kobe: stop turning my words around got damn it
Y: there's not any other way you could've meant it kobe
Kobe: well y/n what do you want me to say it doesn't count basketball is different than you guys
Y: the only difference is you love basketball more than anyone else
Kobe: how would i love you already y/n and i've only known you for two months and we've been dating for a week
Y: i'm not asking you to love me but you can at least pretend that you give a fuck about me
Kobe: i literally kissed you in front of half of the school and in front of my parents how could i not give a fuck about you
Y: you just don't understand you stand here and tell me that you don't love me because we've only been dating for a week ok that's fair but now you're saying since you kissed me then that is a good enough reason to say you give a fuck about me
Kobe: this argument is dumb i do care about you i don't love you though
Y: yea i know you don't have to keep fucking saying it but i bet you loved monroe
Kobe: well yea she's different
Y: yea and she's also someone you told me you were just using for clout
Kobe: i was but she's also the first girl i was ever in love with so there's not much i can do about that
Y: how do i compete with that kobe she was your first love how could i possibly compete with that
Kobe: you can't y/n but i'm with you right now so that's all that matters
Y: wow

i push kobe's chest and turn around going back into waffle house i sat at the booth and didn't speak i just put my face in my hands and i saw kobe calling someone then ten minutes later some guy came and got him and i just looked back at the table shaking my leg over and over again trying to stop it but it wouldn't so i started getting frustrated and tears were streaming down my face and i was turning red soon i got up walking outside and punching my car door as hard as i could i then opened it getting inside and punching my steering wheel over and over again soon the group came in the car and i stopped then i dropped them off at their houses one by one then i went home and as i walked upstairs i wiped my face then went in my room slamming my door and sitting on my bed after a while i put my hands on my forehead and laid back looking at the ceiling with one of my legs propped on the bed i stayed like that until my phone buzzed four times in a row i got up looking at the caller ID and it was kobe so i answered the phone and put it to my ear

Y: what
Kobe: i wanted to apologize
Y: oh
Kobe: i'm serious even if monroe is my first love i was wrong to tell you that and with you y/n i'm trying to give you all the attention you want and show you off as much as you want i'm trying i really am but honestly i never had to try with any other girl they just did their own thing when i wasn't around i never had a clingy girlfriend
Y: one i'm not clingy you can do what you want but i would at least like to know when it has something to do with what's bothering you and i would like you to tell me without getting an attitude right after
Kobe: i'm working on it i promise you i am but it's not going to happen over night so during this process i'm going to need you to trust me even when i'm around monroe
Y: how kobe you told me you don't love me but she's your first love so how do i trust you around her when i know how girls are
Kobe: i trust you around mike right and all your other guy friends
Y: that's different kobe
Kobe: who was the first guy you've ever loved your in entire life
Y: kobe-
Kobe: no answer the question
Y: ....mike
Kobe: alright so if i trust you around mike then you have to trust me around monroe ok
Y: fine ok


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