part 20

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Kobe: i'm sorry y/n i fucked up damn it but we aren't together
Y: exactly you decide to do this shit after you fucked me it's not the point we aren't together i get it you don't owe me any loyalty because we aren't together but really not even twenty four hours later you get in someone else's pants what the fuck bro
Kobe: i'm not using you so why do you keep trying make it as if i am or as if i did
Y: because you did kobe you really fucking did and you're the only one who can't seem to see that
Kobe: not once did i plan on doing anything with monroe while me and you were upstairs shit just happened and i was dumb and went along with it
Y: so right after i saw you sucking her damn face off in front of half of the school that wasn't enough you just had to make me see you fucking her in your car too huh
Kobe: i didn't know you would come back to the school
Y: that's even worse you tried to hide it from me and if i never figured out you would've never even thought about telling me
Kobe: how would i possibly tell you that y/n how would i go up to you and just say oh hey y/n i fucked monroe in the back of my car right after you saw me kissing her
Y: so if you knew you wouldn't have the balls to come and tell me then why do it in the first place if you knew it was so wrong to where you would have to keep it from me then why kobe fucking why
Kobe: because i needed someone to reveal my stress and monroe was the first girl i saw
Y: oh so if it was a stranger then that would've worked for you too huh
Kobe: i didn't mean it like that
Y: but you sure in hell implied it kobe so if that's how you feel then do that but don't string me along the way just for a quick fuck i'm tired of it
Kobe: you knew the reputation i had when you decided to like me so what was the point
Y: you're right i did know your reputation but you manipulated me into thinking that everyone was lying so i decided to take a chance with you and as i can see all the rumors were true kobe you aren't shit but a hoe
Kobe: i made a mistake yea but does that deserve for you to call me out of my name
Y: yes because obviously someone needs to so you can get the fucking image we're trying to paint for you
Kobe: and what's that y/n
Y: that you're a fucking hoe and the only girls that are going to want you are guess what hoes because birds of a feather flock to mother fucking gether
Kobe: so does that make you a hoe because you were attracted to me
Y: no kobe i'm a girl that thought you were different that wanted to get you away from the same girls you are so used to and show you what a healthy relationship should be like
Kobe: maybe i can't change y/n maybe hoes are  meant for me and maybe you are too good for me
Y: good kobe i'm far from good but i did try to show you something different but i guess i was just dumb and naive
Kobe: come on y/n are you really about to give up on us for a mistake i made when we weren't even together
Y: how am i suppose to trust you when we're together when i can't even trust you when we aren't together
Kobe: please y/n when i'm with you i get lost in the moments and everything and anything feels possible
Y: well find someone else that makes you feel like that because i can't even look at you the same right now
Kobe: we never know when our last day is and you really wanna waste it on being mad at me
Y: well whenever my last day is i sure in hell won't waste it on arguing with a cheater so like i said get off my yard

y/n walked away and the others followed her going in the house closing the door leaving kobe outside until he walked away getting in his car diving off after that y/n went upstairs putting her hair in a bun and putting on her red satin pajamas with black lace on the rims then she put a face mask over the middle section of her nose and she went downstairs sitting on the couch with the others

Des: you good
Y: aren't i always
Des: i don't know i met you three weeks ago
Y: ok smart ass yes i'm fine fuck off
Mike: you definitely aren't fine
Y: thank you micheal holmes i didn't know that
Ava: i thought his last name was chong
Y: sherlock holmes dumb ass i just replaced his last name with holmes
Kenzie: ohh makes sense
Y: i'm surrounded by fucking idiots
Ida: how about we play a game
Des: truth or dare
Y: no that shit never ends well
Ida: stop being a pussy and come on
Y: alright don't say i didn't warn y'all though

everyone sat down on the floor in a circle and they took turns until it was des turn to ask y/n a question

Des: alright y/n besides kobe who was the last person you had fun with
Y: what do you mean fun
Des: you know now answer the question
Y: i don't want to
Des: if you don't answer then you have to put ice in your underwear for the rest of the game
Y: fine

y/n got up going into the kitchen finding ice and she jumped a little as she put it in her underwear then she sat back on the floor

Y: it's fucking cold
Des: then answer the question
Y: can i just take it out i'm freezing
Des: answer then yes you can
Y: fine but don't say i didn't tell you mike it was mike
Des: oh when
Y: nope it isn't your turn anymore i'm not saying nothing else

y/n took the ice out of her underwear while des got up yanking mikes hand into a room and closing the door everyone sat down looking at each other until they heard des yelling at him then y/n rolled her eyes and went upstairs into her room

oop 🤭

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