part 92

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Y: ok even if you think it's crazy at least take one everyone needs to have one in their room we know they can get inside and now we know they're after blood the second we let our guard down is the second one of us will be dead therefore we leave together we wake up together we sleep together and we go outside together if this situation is giving you anxiety then bunk with someone else until we figure things out
Mattia: i'm bunking with kobe and y/n this situation is giving me anxiety
Kairi: same
Alejandro: alright so the jersey boys are all sleeping with y/n and kobe
Kobe: bu-
Y: babe it's fine
Kobe: mane y'all be cock blocking
Y: literally shut up anyways that being said i'm with kobe, king, alejandro, mattia, kairi, robert, alvaro, and roshaun any one else
Kobe: nope we're good everyone else partner up with somebody else got damn our room ain't no hotel
Y: jeez fine everyone else find a new room and sleep there remember no one leaves out of this house unless you're with five or more people we have no idea how many of them are doing this or why so always stayed armed and cautious
Mike: what time do we have to wake up though because if it's too early then i'm good with just dying
Y: you're so lazy we can all wake up at nine and we sleep at twelve
Devyn: why nine
Y: because ida needs to have enough rest
Omar: ok but why twelve
Y: if our stalkers love sleeping then they'll be sleep by twelve and if not then they'll definitely be tired maybe too tired to try and break in
Kenzie: we need security cameras
Y: in the inside yes but not the outside they'll just break them
Kenzie: alright
Y: i need to go pee so i'm bringing ida with me and y'all pick a damn weapon and put it in y'all room we can go to a shooting range for the ones of you who don't know how to shoot
Jano: i know how
Ida: they know babes trust me they know

i laughed a little then i got up and so did ida and we walked upstairs and to the bathroom and she stood in the door way while i was peeing

Ida: so how do you feel about all the boys sleeping in your room
Y: i don't care but kobe might he's just weird but the boys are also like wild dogs i just hope they aren't too loud because me and king love our sleep
Ida: as y'all should
Y: this whole situation is just crazy though it doesn't make sense
Ida: exactly kobe isn't even that cute especially not to kill over
Y: don't do my fiancé like that he must be beyond fine if girls are willing to die for him
Ida: or whatever
Y: see you a hater with a hater mentality

ida laughed while i finished up then i walked over washing my hands then drying them then we walked back downstairs and sat on the couch

Kobe: i wanna go somewhere i'm bored
Jano: i'm down
Y: sure ain't got nothing else to do

soon everyone agreed to go and we got up walking outside but when we did we looked at our cars and the windows were busted out of every single one with our tires deflated and spray paint all over them

Y: i thought i was gonna at least have that car for five years it's only been two
Mattia: ugh i guess it was time for a new car
Jano: i'm not buying a new anything until we catch them i ain't wasting no more money
Kobe: so now how the hell are we supposed to go places
Ava: walk
Y: i'm not walking around for miles with a four month old baby in my arms you sound dumb love
Ida: right and i can literally pop any day now
Ava: so our only option is a taxi
Ida: that's down bad
Vallyk: for real
Ava: so then what do y'all suggest smart asses
Derek: looks like we staying home until we find them
Kenzie: ugh this is going to be so boring
Devyn: why are y'all worried about being bored than about the people who completely ruined our cars
Omar: because unlike you we can just buy new ones
Devyn: i can buy a new one
Jay: then stop talking
Robert: haha
Ava: why don't we just call the cops
Mattia: that's a very white question
Y: girl the cops ain't gone do none unless we have evidence of who did this and we don't even know who's doing it
Ava: what do we do then get harassed until they end up killing one of us over you being with kobe
Y: sounds about right
Ava: i'm not dying because you want to stay with kobe it's stupid and immature
Kobe: ok

soon everyone went inside and y/n and kobe went upstairs and talked then tiktokroom posted what they decided to post

soon everyone went inside and y/n and kobe went upstairs and talked then tiktokroom posted what they decided to post

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liked by monroecapri and 1982028 others tiktokroom: looks like y/n and kobe called off the wedding and are splitting up 🤭💔

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liked by monroecapri and 1982028 others
tiktokroom: looks like y/n and kobe called off the wedding and are splitting up 🤭💔

y/n.girl: it's for the best wether we want it or not
kbreezo: every good thing comes to an end
kairicosentino: social media fucked up their relationship
supporter: noo they were end game
y/n.girl: we know and we hate that it has to end^^
kbreezo: shit hurts but it's ok guys^^
veezie: damn
positiveida: they can get through it they're strong they just need time away from social media
kenzie: things happen that you can't control but you do it because it can protect the lives of the people you love^^
mattiapolibio: well i'm about to shoot my shot
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when mattia said that i looked at kobe and he looked at me then before he could respond to it i snatched his phone out of his hand

Y: kobe don't mess up the plan dumbass
Kobe: ugh fine


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