part 172

675 37 20

i got home and put my groceries up then i just stood around bored so i just went back out getting the papers then i signed them and sent them to kobe's house with a date that i needed them back or i would go to court then i want back home not really knowing what to do so i just took a nap and when i woke up i saw kanan posting about a party so i got dressed then i got in my car going to the party once i made it i walked to the door going inside hugging kanan then dejuane

Kanan: wheres the others
Y: don't know and don't give a fuck
Kanan: awe y'all ain't rocking with each other no more
Y: did you not see my post today
Kanan: forgot about that
Y: yea we ain't cool no more
Kanan: what about you and kobe
Y: that's over
Kanan: so you single
Y: yup
Kanan: ok ok

they talked a little longer then she walked off and dejuane and kanan put their fist over their mouths smiling but then dapping each other up while y/n went to the drink table taking a few sips and she saw corey walk in then he walked up to her

Corey: what a coincidence
Y: i know right
Corey: so what's going on
Y: none much chilling like usual
Corey: oh aight

corey and y/n were talking for a while the she turned her head seeing kobe and the others walk in but kobe walked in with cherry once y/n saw she just looked away talking to corey again until cherry came and bumped into her making her spill her drink on corey

Y: i'm so sorry
Corey: no it's fine
Y: let me clean it i'm sorry
Corey: it's fine really i'll be fine
Y: well at least let me owe you a dance
Corey: now that is something i don't mind

y/n smiled then she grabbed coreys hand and started dancing with him she was being a little shy but she remembered what she said about not caring anymore and she started dancing for real swaying side to side during the slow songs then milkshake came on and she did the tiktok thing while corey hyped her up then she stopped and laughed while hugging him

Y: haha i'm having fun
Corey: you and me both you're cool y/n
Y: thanks so are you
Corey: so you party a lot
Y: not really not since i had my two kids
Corey: aww that's cute what's their names
Y: leilani and king
Corey: that's nice

soon oui came on and me and corey looked at each other and he turned toward me and we started dancing then he grabbed my hand lifting my arm up and turning me around and i started grinding on him while he held one of my arms up and the other was on my waist then he spun me around and we danced just staring at each other after the song was over we both laughed then walked into the backyard seeing a beer pong table set up so he went to one end and i went to the other and we played the game and corey ended up winning and i playfully rolled my eyes then we took off our shoes and put our feet in the pool while slowly sipping our other drinks

Corey: so what's the deal
Y: what do you mean
Corey: behind ever pretty girl is a crazy story so what's yours
Y: uhh none much i moved when i was eighteen ended up getting pregnant like the dumb bitch i am then i got married at twenty another dumb choice then i got pregnant again with my daughter and then eleven months later i got cheated on and hospitalized on the same day after then i bounced back moved on got played got over it almost killed a girl with my bare hands but my used to be friends stopped me then i figured out my used to be friends knew about my ex cheating on me a week before our wedding and i didn't find out until yesterday
Corey: well i was right you definitely have a crazy story
Y: yea more than others whats yours
Corey: moved out at seventeen became a model at eighteen almost got my ex pregnant glad she wasn't because later i figured out she was cheating on me i've never cheated a day in my life i would've still been with my ex till this day if she didn't cheat on me  and i have no siblings it's always been just me and some people want my head because of my past i used to be gang affiliated but i just sent them a letter basically saying i was done and the same day they tried to kill me so i moved here away from them
Y: well i guess you can say behind every fine guy comes a crazy gang affiliated story
Corey: haha yea so how's the moving on life treating you
Y: like shit every time i try i get played again
Corey: felt that one for real every time i tried i was played or ghosted
Y: it's always us sexy people getting hurt worse
Corey: exactly it's always by people who aren't as sexy as us but we took a chance with because we liked them
Y: thank you!!
Corey: maybe we should stop lowering our expectations
Y: yea for now on if they don't check every box we leave their ass high and dry
Corey: yes it's time for the heartbroken to become the heartbreakers
Y: i think i found myself in guy form
Corey: i found myself in girl form

me and corey laughed and drunk our drinks as we continued chatting


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