part 60

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Y: y'all aren't going to sit here and disrespect me in a house that you didn't even pay for shit a house you weren't even supposed to be in the fuck
Des: we didn't disrespect you
Y: yes the fuck you did your exact words were "i don't know why you're so happy you had a baby when you were eighteen"
Monroe: she only said the truth
Y: no she said a bunch of bullshit i didn't ask for and if she says it again i'm going to punch her fucking teeth out of her mouth i made the choices i made and i'm happy with that the difference between me and her is i don't hate on people because i see them doing better than me you ain't shit monroe that's why you still live with your mama
Monroe: i live with my mom by choice you moved for a boy
Y: one bitch you live with your mom by force because you don't have enough money to move and two i moved because i wanted to live with my friends something you obviously don't have no dick is ever going to be the reason why i move you sound dumb as fuck for even thinking that
Kobe: damn i'm just dick to you i'm hurt
Y: kobe you know that's not what i meant now hush
Kobe: sorry just trying to lighten the mood
Des: you don't even deserve kobe he's too good for you
Kobe: correction she's too good for me i don't deserve her and we all know that
Y: oh my God can both of y'all shut up kobe stop putting yourself down all the time i'm with you because i love you and i think you're right for me and des why don't you mind the business that pays you which seems to be nothing because you're the brokest bitch in this house please don't talk to me unless you can afford to do so
Kobe: tell her baby
Y: dear God you know what des i'm not about to keep talking to you there's the door you can leave and if you don't live here you can also leave bye now
Mattia: wait we gotta leave too
Y: no mattia i mean the parents dont get me wrong i love all you guys especially my parents and vanessa
Vanessa: aww baby i love you too i'll be back tomorrow with kiya she wants to see her new nephew
Y: alright that's fine i'll see you then
Mom: we love you baby we're going back home
Y: i love y'all too mom have a safe trip
Kobe: bye mom and mother in law
Vanessa: bye baby
Mom: bye sweetie
Y: ok y'all do that i'm going to get to know mrs and mr polibio, cosentino, diah, georges, rosario, and romero
Mattia: don't embarrass me mom
Mrs Polibio: i won't embarrass you too bad
Mattia: oh no

i went outside with the boys parents talking to them and laughing they were a really cool bunch of people i was talking to them for a few hours until kobe came and snaked his arms around my waist and then they walked off going back inside then out the front door while i turned around looking at kobe and giving him a peck

Y: where's king
Kobe: kairi wanted to hold him
Y: the boys love him
Kobe: yea i know they're gonna be worse than me and you
Y: way worse
Kobe: we can always scam them into helping us buy stuff for him
Y: haha we aren't going to scam our friends
Kobe: it worth the idea
Y: yea whatever loser

kobe just looked at y/n laughing and he smiled when she was about to walk off he grabbed her arm gently and pulled her back to him then before she could speak he lifted her chin and kissed her passionately with one hand under her chin and one on her back when he pulled away he just looked at her then hugged her

Kobe: i'm proud of you baby
Y: thank you kobe i needed that
Kobe: yea i know
Y: and how exactly did you know
Kobe: after des said something about you having a baby at eighteen you looked sad and like you knew she was right but she wasn't she was wrong you're amazing and i'm so proud of you don't ever let anyone tell you differently
Y: i guess i'm just scared of being a bad mom
Kobe: you aren't going to be a bad mom as long as you do the best you can then that makes you the best mother ever but you got to believe that
Y: thanks kobe
Kobe: one more thing um can you believe we made it five months being together
Y: haha who would've thought
Kobe: yea who would've thought
Y: wanna go back inside now
Kobe: no actually one more thing do you ever think we'll spend our life together
Y: i don't know what the future holds babe
Kobe: well no matter what it holds i promise to try my best everyday and love you with all my heart
Y: i'll always love you baby but babe are you ok
Kobe: yea what makes you say that
Y: you're being so sweet
Kobe: i'm fine i just um i just really don't want to ever lose you again
Y: well i'm not going anywhere so sorry not sorry but you're stuck with me
Kobe: i wouldn't want it any other way

kobe kissed y/n again and the stars were sparkling and the environment around them was just so pretty and calm when they pulled apart they held hands and walked to the edge of the yard and they were just looking at he stars until a shooting star passed by so they made a wish then when they opened their eyes and looked back at the sky kobe looked at y/n who was fixated on the stars

Kobe: so what did you wish for
Y: uhh i can't tell you that or it won't come true
Kobe: oh i forgot about that
Y: what did you wish for
Kobe: haha can't get me that easily y/n you just said if i say it then it won't come true
Y: worth a try
Kobe: mhm

they laughed and looked back at the stars still holding hands


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