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The doorbell rang while Madison was making supper. "Luna! Can you get the door? It's grandma Delia." She called.

"Grandma!" Luna cheered as she ran downstairs and opened the door with a big smile on her face.

"MY ANGEL!!! You've grown." Delia exclaimed, smiling back.

Luna giggled and hugged her grandmother. She missed her grandma a lot. The last time she had seen her grandmother was when she was a few months old. Luna's grandmother lived in a different city in Canada.

"It's been lonely. But now I came here to see my little angel and spend time with her." Delia smiled.

Luna giggles and hugs her grandmother before leading her inside.

"Now, where is the nice young man you told me of?" Delia asked, wondering where Corey is.

Luna giggles as she watched her mother.

Delia went into the living room, placing her luggage down.

Madison started spluttering before she went back to cooking. "Mom!" She said, as Luna giggled at her mother's reaction. "Corey and I are just friends. He's coming by later."

Delia laughed. "This is how life is. She'll be asking you that soon." She joked to Luna.

Luna giggles as Madison yelled out, "Mom! She's innocent!"

"Oh, don't blame the poor old lady." Delia laughed.

Luna laughed as Madison groaned.

Delia chuckled, shaking her head. "Now, show me what you've learned about the sea?" She asked.

Luna immediately launched into her favorite speeches about the sea. She told her grandmother everything that she learned.

Delia listened to her granddaughter talk. "Wow. Not even Marine biologists know this." She chuckled, nodding and clapping at the same time.

Luna giggles and does a fake bow and Madison chuckled.

The front door opened, as Corey poked his head in. "Got two strawberry cheesecakes, one raspberry and chocolate." He said.

Madison went to get the cakes and placed them on the kitchen counter.

Corey entered the house. "Wha'd I miss?" He asked, looked at Luna and Delia.

"Corey, this is my grandma!" Luna said with happiness.

"Nice to meet you ma'am." Corey nodded. Delia nodded back, smiling lightly.

"Food's ready!" Madison called as she set up the table. Luna went to help her mother with setting it up.

Delia sat down at the table, fixing the nice dress she was wearing. Corey went to help too.

Luna sat at the table and smiled happily. I wish I met my grandfather. From what my mom told me, he treated my grandmother like a queen.

Corey helped place the food in the table. The food? Pasta.

Luna was sitting next to her grandmother while Madison sat next to an empty seat.

Corey served the food around, at least today wasn't as bad.

Luna said grace and ate her food. Madison followed her daughter's actions and ate her food.

Delia did the same, starting to enjoy the food, along with Corey.

Luna was smiling happily as she ate. She couldn't wait to visit her ocean friends before she went to bed.

"I miss your cooking." Delia hummed happily, already helping herself to seconds.

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