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Luna was outside, swimming around in the ocean water, diving underwater as she swam with the fish, giggling to herself. The day was clear, with the sun shining down on the beautiful ocean, showing the most beauty one would never have seen under it. The beautiful coral reefs, with its colorful fishes.

Madison had finished getting ready for work, her uniform included a green shirt and pants that stopped at the knees, a doctor's lab coat and other things that doctors would need. She had noticed the house she and her daughter lived in was quiet, like the beach they had the house built on.

Luna was giggling as she surfaced. She waved at her dolphin friend, learning a bit on how to communicate. She then swam back to shore, picking up her towel as she wrapped it around her body, grabbing her sandals, before running back to the house.

Madison shook her head, slightly laughing as she did so. She knew her daughter had a love for the sea as much as Madison did, if not more. Luna was only a few months old when her father had left with another woman. Luna had been in her bedroom when her parents were arguing about money and other financial issues. But now Madison Ramirez was a single mother and she was happy.

Going upstairs to change her clothes, Luna said to her mother, "Hi mommy. Have a good day at work."

Madison smiled and said, "Luna, can you get dressed please? You're coming with me to help out." She knew her daughter was going to be so excited with helping out and taking care of the Mers.

A shout of excitement could be heard as Luna was running to get dressed, tying her hair up so it wasn't in her face all day. She grabbed her necklace, which had a piece of coral on it.

Madison chuckled to herself as she looked outside the house, which was on the beach in Miami, Florida known as Haulover Beach. The house was two floors, with two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a swimming pool/hot tub in the backyard. The backyard itself was huge but Luna normally spends all her time at the beach.

Luna came down, smiling brightly, as she was excited about seeing her mother work. "I'm ready." She said excitedly.

Madison nods and she takes Luna's hand before leaving the house, locking the door in the process, and heads off to her workplace.

Madison took her daughter to a huge building. Its walls were like the colors of the coral reef. There was a dome-shaped building on the right. The name on the sign that was in the top center was TFMER Oceanic Research and Exploration.

"Wow!" Luna looked excited. "Hey, Maddie!" Sam Witwicky, a guy with brown hair and dark brown eyes called out as he came running over.

"Hey Sam!" Madison called out, smiling as she waved at him.

"Oh. Now is this the special someone?" Sam asked, squatting down to get a good look at Luna.

Madison chuckled before nodding her head. "This is my daughter, Luna." She tells him before looking at her daughter. "Luna, this is my friend Sam. He was new to Florida when I was working here for a few years before you were born." She smiled.

Luna nodded, smiling at him. He smiled back, before leading them inside the building.

The walls inside the building were painted a dark blue, matching that of the ocean water at the bottom of the ocean.

"Wow. Mommy? Where are we going?" Luna asked, looking around as they passed other people wearing the same uniform as Madison.

"You'll see when we get there, sweetie." Madison told her daughter, not wanting to spoil the surprise.

Sam led them to a door that requires a password, something he had no knowledge of. He had to take a few turns and dodge people here and there to reach the door they're standing in front of. There was another door across the hall from this door, both similar but different at the same time.

Madison stepped in front of the door, blocking anyone from seeing the password that was required to open the door.

Luna looked around once the door opened, a bit confused as to why there wasn't anyone in here.

Madison walked in after she nodded to Sam.

Sam left the mother-daughter duo and headed back to where he was supposed to be. Luna could some plants here and there in the pool, which had clear water.

Madison went to her office that she has in the room. The roof had glass panes, letting in the sunshine and warmth.

Luna looked around, walking over to the gigantic pool, but saw nothing in the water. "Mommy. How come there isn't any fish in here?" She asked her mother, looking around the pool for a few seconds before backing away.

Madison chuckled to herself from within her office. "That's because this pool isn't meant for fish, dear. You'll see why soon." She smiled to herself, knowing her daughter would be excited about seeing real life mermaids, or Merformers.

Luna walked up to the pool, she went to get a peek at the water. "Wow. It's really clean. Is that coral at the bottom?" She was peering over, looking at the bottom.

Madison was in her office, organizing some things that she has in the box that was on her desk. She chuckled and said, "Luna, that is coral. There's some plants in there too."

Luna reached her hand in, wanting to feel the water.

Madison grabbed some sheets of paper from her drawer and colored pencils and placed them on a smaller kid table. "Luna, why don't you come in here and draw?"

"Okay." Luna stood up, going over to the papers and colored pencils. She started drawing the ocean, drawing some mermaids with the dolphins and whales.

Madison shakes her head with a smile, going back to her desk and sitting down in her chair and started putting the things away in their respectful places on her desk or in drawers.

Madison was on her laptop, but kept checking up on Luna every now and then. She knew Luna had more often than not wondered where her father went, and Madison knew her ex husband had been trying to get full custody of their daughter.

A head popped out of the water, as a mech with bright blue eyes was curiously looking around. He knew Madison was here, but he saw another tiny being. Luna was busy drawing, humming to herself. Madison's phone dinged with a message. :Time to check on Bumblebee, Madison. He's been waiting for his snacks:. William Fowler, her boss, sent.

Madison heard the sound of water splashing in the pool and smiled to herself. She got up from her seat, grabbing a bag of some pieces of toast she made this morning and stepped outside of her office. She saw the little Merformer and smiled as she walked over.

Bumblebee chirped happily, his yellow and black tail splashing behind him, as he swam around the pool with excitement.

Madison chuckled, smiling as her eyes softened.

"Hello, my little Bee." She said, a soft smile on her face.

An Ocean Life (Merformers)Where stories live. Discover now